
In case you missed it, this week's Meta Weekly was a barn-burner. In the finals, we had

's Harpies up against 's Water Xyz Deck, with Zeu coming out on top!

Interview with Zeu

How does it feel to win this Meta Weekly?

It feels really great especially since it was my first finals here. I've been trying to get it done the past few months and I finally did it!

Why did you go with Harpies this Weekly?

For the current Side Deck format I feel that Harpies is more powerful than the rest. I'm not a fan of the Discard version, so I chose the smaller version to ensure a better ratio for combos and see my Side Deck cards quicker.

How did the day go for you? Any notable matchups?

It went well, with each round win I believed in myself more and more. My most notable match was my Top 4 match against

's Blue-Eyes, due to the power ceiling Blue-Eyes can have. The duels against him were very close.

Would you like to explain any of your Deck choices?

Well, the build I used was more focused on ensuring combo and draw the techs I need for my opponent's decks. The use of Loading... and Loading... were mainly for a better long-game, in case I needed to play control. Loading... and Loading... rounded off the deck for possible comebacks against hard matchups.

Do you have anything else you'd like to say about your Tournament Experience?

It was satisfying, like every time I participate in DLM events. The tournament went pretty smooth and there were a lot of interesting and fun matches, so that was cool. I would like to thank the DLM staff for hosting the tournament, you all made it great!

Lastly, do you have any shout-outs you'd like to make?

I have quite a few people to thank. First of all, I want to thank my team "Inti's Son" for the support, they were always there with me. Shoutouts to

and Luizão, who said I would win the Weekly in Swiss. I also want to mention my team "Burning Abyss", especially to Darkmas and Yatzel, who supported me all this time in Duel Links and personally. And lastly shot=outs to and his staff who are working, promoting and supporting the Duel Links community in Latam.

Winning Decklist:

That's all we got for this DLM Champion spotlight! What kind of questions should we be asking in the future? Comment down below!