Event Information

  • Maddox Sogetsu is here as an unlockable Legendary Duelist!
  • Duel against Legendary/Standard Duelists and in Ranked Duels to collect "Alien Catchers" which you use to Duel the Legendary Duelist at the gate.
  • Unlock Maddox Sogetsu on February 28th
  • You can get 120 Alien Catchers playing 3 Ranked Duels every day.

Drop Rewards

"Farming" Decks


  • Since Rush Dueling doesn't have the same mechanics as Speed Dueling and has a much more limited card pool at the moment. "Farming" as you've come to expect isn't as feasible, especially for Free-to-Play Players.

Defense Farm Deck

30 cards
2 copies
Spice the Elite Noodle Ninja
Archfiend Soldier
3 copies
3 copies
Harpie Lady
3 copies
Grace Princess Kana
3 copies
3 copies
3 copies
3 copies
Feral Imp
3 copies
Magical Ghost
3 copies
The Noodle Art of Roastery


  • Set as many of your monsters as possible. You're most likely going to be safe from damage as long as you keep producing ways to defend your LP.
  • Set any and all copies of Loading... to keep fueling your hand. Maddox does have 1 Loading... which is unfortante, but the hand space is needed.

Final Turn

  • When you have at least one Loading... and (ideally) one card left in deck. Normal Summon as many monsters as possible (for Glossy/Legend Points), Tribute Summon your Spice, use all of your Spice Effects and Loading... on a single Spice.

  • Finally, attack the weakest monster for victory!


  • The Normal Monsters chosen here were the "optimal" choices, although they are all easily replaceable with various 1400 DEF Normal Monsters (any Normal Monsters work really)

Maddox Sogetsu Lv 40 Decklist (10/30)

10 cards

If you have a unique "farm" deck, spot a mistake or just want to say something post it in the comments below!