Farm Decks

Lvl 40: Cyber Angel Farm

20 cards
Cyber Angel Dakini
Cyber Angel Dakini
Cyber Angel Dakini
Cyber Angel Benten
Cyber Angel Benten
Cyber Angel Benten
Cyber Angel Idaten
Senju of the Thousand Hands
Senju of the Thousand Hands
Gravekeeper's Vassal
Cyber Petit Angel
Cyber Petit Angel
Anti-Magic Arrows
Machine Angel Absolute Ritual
Machine Angel Absolute Ritual
Machine Angel Absolute Ritual
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
Union Attack
Machine Angel Ritual
Machine Angel Ritual


  • Ritual Summon Loading... (Usually by first summoning Loading... using Loading... and using those monsters' effects to search the necessary cards to summon Dakini).
  • Make sure to leave 1 Loading... in the GY to protect Dakini from his 1 Loading...
  • Eventually summon a second Dakini, making sure to use Idaten's ATK boost.
  • Using your smaller Dakini as material keep looping Dakini summons by summoning Idaten using the smaller Dakini, then using the Idaten on field to summon another copy of Dakini. This will keep boosting your larger Dakini's ATK with Idaten's on-Tribute effect (You eventually want a Dakini with 6700 ATK and another with 3700 ATK).

Last Turn

Lvl 40: Anti-Machine Farm

Summoner of Illusions
Magnetic Mosquito
Magnetic Mosquito
Magnetic Mosquito
Gravekeeper's Vassal
Planet Pathfinder
Planet Pathfinder
Planet Pathfinder
Union Attack
Union Attack
System Down
System Down
System Down
Array of Revealing Light
Array of Revealing Light
Array of Revealing Light
Acid Rain
Acid Rain
Acid Rain
Pot of Benevolence
Cyber End Dragon
Master of Oz
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


  • Check out this video for a full successful farm with the deck
  • Can be ran Skill-less, generic skills that can be used are LP Boost Alpha or Draw Sense: LIGHT
  • Espa's entire monster lineup is comprised of Machine-Type monsters, we aim to abuse that with Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , and Loading...
  • Activate Array ASAP, as it let's you stall for larger board wipes and prevent Damage.
  • Try to time your removal to maximize effectiveness, (for example, dont bother using a board wipe on a single Loading... or Loading... )
  • Try to save Loading... for when you are facing a live Loading... to banish the Loading... in his GY.
  • Before Last Turn, make sure to set your Loading... (Use Loading... to make sure he isn't bottomdecked - You only want 2 Monsters Set going into your Last Turn)

Last Turn

  • Use your remaining board wipe(s) to clear Roba's board - (If, for example he has a facedown monster, you can also use Loading... to extend the Duel by 1 turn to have him flip it up)
  • Flip Summon the Facedown Loading... , tributing your other monster for either Loading... , Loading... , or Loading...
  • Normal Summon Loading...
  • Use both Loading... on Vassal
  • Attack directly for 9999+ Damage


  • You can replace Loading... for Loading... to not have to worry about Espa having a Face-down Monster, but I don't think it's necessary.
  • You can run a Loading... / Loading... Engine instead of 6 of the Machine-Destruction cards, but you might run into troubles if he draws an early Loading...
  • Missing Cards can be replaced with Draw monsters like Loading... and Loading...

Espa Roba Lvl 40 Decklist

Espa Roba Lvl 30 Decklist

Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
Guardian of the Throne Room
Guardian of the Throne Room
Guardian of the Throne Room
Cyber Raider
Cyber Raider
Cyber Raider
The Fiend Megacyber
The Fiend Megacyber
Jinzo - Returner
Scrap Recycler
Sword of Dark Destruction
Sword of Dark Destruction
Mind Control
Altar for Tribute
Altar for Tribute
Psychic Shockwave

Espa Roba Lvl 20 Decklist

Cyber Raider
Cyber Raider
Cyber Raider
Cyber Soldier
Cyber Soldier
Cyber Soldier
Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
Brave Scizzar
Brave Scizzar
Brave Scizzar
Disk Magician
Disk Magician
Disk Magician
Sword of Dark Destruction
Sword of Dark Destruction

Espa Roba Lvl 10 Decklist

Brave Scizzar
Brave Scizzar
Brave Scizzar
Cyber Commander
Cyber Commander
Cyber Commander
Shovel Crusher
Shovel Crusher
Shovel Crusher
Dharma Cannon
Dharma Cannon
Dharma Cannon
Bokoichi the Freightening Car
Bokoichi the Freightening Car
Bokoichi the Freightening Car
Block Attack

If you have a new farm deck or spot a mistake, tell us in the comments below!