Farm Decks

Lvl: 40 Cloudian - credit: Jadehex

20 cards
Summoner of Illusions
Gravekeeper's Vassal
Cloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - Cirrostratus
Cloudian - Cirrostratus
Cloudian - Cirrostratus
Anti-Magic Arrows
Union Attack
Union Attack
Pot of Benevolence
Secret Pass to the Treasures
Intrigue Shield
Intrigue Shield
Intrigue Shield
Spirit Barrier
Spirit Barrier
Spirit Barrier
Cyber End Dragon
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Master of Oz


  • You're safe if you have a Cloudian + Loading... /Loading...
  • Use Cirrostratus' effect to destroy Loading... if necessary (Make sure you destroy your other Cloudian if you do this - can't have more than 1 monster on the field for Loading... )
  • Use Loading... to make sure Loading... or Loading... aren't on the bottom of the deck.
  • Set Summoner of Illusions second to last turn and activate Dimensionhole banishing it (so it doesn't get destroyed)

Last Turn

You should only have Loading... and a facedown Loading... in your monster zones



  • There is a small risk that he'll burn you with Loading... but you can destroy it with Cirrostratus
  • If your LP is low enough he will activate Loading... but otherwise he won't use it on Loading...

Lvl: 40 Hazy - credit: superforms

20 cards
Hazy Flame Sphynx
Hazy Flame Sphynx
Hazy Flame Sphynx
Hazy Flame Cerbereus
Hazy Flame Cerbereus
Hazy Flame Cerbereus
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Swamp Mirrorer
Swamp Mirrorer
Swamp Mirrorer
Beast Rising
Beast Rising
Beast Rising


  • Only keep one monster on the field so you don't get Loading... 'd
  • Continue destroying Marik's monsters each turn
  • When you activate Loading... declare Beast/Beast-Warrior and any Attribute
  • Boost your Hazy Flame monster to 10,000+ ATK using Loading...
  • Go for game when you have three or less cards left in you Deck so you can clear any Loading...

Last Turn

  • Summon a monster by the effect of Loading... or activate Loading...
  • Attack Marik with your non-boosted monster first to clear the field/bait Loading...


  • Loading... is optimal but it can be replaced for Loading... , or Loading... which is much worse
  • Loading... can be replaced for Loading... as he can't target any of your Hazy Flame monsters with his burn cards so there's no risk of losing due to them

Lvl: 40 Ojama - credit: Tutpup

20 cards
King of the Swamp
King of the Swamp
Ojama Blue
Ojama Blue
Ojama Blue
Gravekeeper's Vassal
Ojama Black
Ojama Black
Ojama Yellow
Ojama Yellow
Ojama Green
Ojama Green
Anti-Magic Arrows
Union Attack
Union Attack
Ojama Country
Secret Pass to the Treasures
Ojama Knight
Ojama Knight
Ojama Knight


  • Summon Loading... as soon as possible to lockdown at least one of Marik's monster zones
  • After that, use Loading... and Loading... to keep thinning your deck
  • Do not summon another monster as Marik may tribute them both with Loading...

Last Turn

  1. Summon a second Loading...
  2. Activate Loading...
  3. Switch both Loading... into Attack position
  4. Summon Loading...
  5. Target Vassal with two Loading... and Loading...
  6. Attack directly for victory!


Lvl: 40 Unhappy Girl - credit: elStar

20 cards
Gravekeeper's Vassal
The Unhappy Girl
The Unhappy Girl
The Unhappy Girl
Anti-Magic Arrows
Union Attack
Union Attack
Enemy Controller
Legacy of Yata-Garasu
Legacy of Yata-Garasu
Spirit Barrier
Spirit Barrier
Spirit Barrier
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin Housekeeping


  • Summon Loading... as soon as possible!
  • Marik will not attack The Unhappy Girl at all unless he can OTK, this gives you time to draw Loading...
  • Once you draw Spirit Barrier the farm is straightforward, don't use The Unhappy Girl to lock his monsters as Marik may activate Loading...
  • Only summon two The Unhappy Girl as you need one free zone for Loading...
  • Use your draw cards to get your combo and finish the Duel quicker

Last Turn

You should only have two Loading... in your monster zones



  • If Marik summons Loading... , he will most likely use it as a tribute for Loading... , though you may lose some LP it won't be lethal

Lvl: 40 Labyrinth Builder - credit: Jadehex

Gravekeeper's Vassal
Planet Pathfinder
Planet Pathfinder
Planet Pathfinder
Anti-Magic Arrows
Sorcerous Spell Wall
Sorcerous Spell Wall
Union Attack
Union Attack
Shield & Sword
Abyssal Designator
Abyssal Designator
Abyssal Designator
Secret Pass to the Treasures
Legacy of Yata-Garasu
Legacy of Yata-Garasu
Jar of Greed
Jar of Greed
Jar of Greed


  • Activate your skill to play Loading... only after you activate Loading... (use Loading... to search for it), so it's safe from Loading...
  • Declare "Divine" + "Divine Beast" with Loading...
    • The first Abyssal Designator has a 50% chance to hit Loading...
    • The second one will certainly get it and send it to the Graveyard
  • Use your draw cards and Planet Pathfinder to finish the Duel quicker, sometimes you may need to crash a Pathfinder (it will have 1300 ATK with Loading... ) into Loading... to survive, so keep one on hand

Last Turn

  1. Activate Loading...
  2. Switch Loading... into Attack position
  3. Special Summon Loading... by sending any two non-essential Spells/Traps to the Graveyard (I usually choose an Loading... , Loading... or Loading... /Loading... ) but be sure to keep a Sorcerous Spell Wall active
  4. Summon Loading...
  5. Target Vassal with two Loading... and Loading...
  6. Enter Battle Phase, activate Loading... and attack directly for victory!


Lvl: 40 Labyrinth Builder - credit: Hi_Im_Flabber

In comparison to the Labyrinth Builder build above, this deck still allows you to attain "over 9999 damage" even if Marik Summons two Loading... .

Summoner of Illusions
Gravekeeper's Vassal
Planet Pathfinder
Planet Pathfinder
Planet Pathfinder
Anti-Magic Arrows
Sorcerous Spell Wall
Sorcerous Spell Wall
Union Attack
Union Attack
Abyssal Designator
Abyssal Designator
Abyssal Designator
Secret Pass to the Treasures
Jar of Greed
Jar of Greed
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Master of Oz


  • Activate your skill to play Loading... only after you activate Loading... (use Loading... to search for it), so it's safe from Loading...
  • Declare 'Divine' + 'Divine Beast' with Loading...
    • The first Abyssal Designator has a 50% chance to hit Loading...
    • The second one will certainly get it and send it to the Graveyard
  • Use your draw cards and Planet Pathfinder to finish the Duel quicker, sometimes you may need to crash a Pathfinder (it will have 1300 ATK with Loading... ) into Loading... to survive, so keep one on hand

On the second to last turn, set Loading... and activate Loading... banishing it.

Last Turn

  1. Flip up Loading... , tributing Loading... , to Special Summon Loading... or Loading...
  2. Summon Loading...
  3. Target Vassal with two Loading... and Loading...
  4. Enter Battle Phase, activate Loading... and attack directly for victory!
