Farm Decks
Lvl 40: Elements Unite Farm
- Special Summon Gate Guardian, draw all the cards in your deck
Last turn
- Summon Loading...
- Use Loading... and all three Loading... on Vassal
- Attack directly for 9999+ Damage
- You can replace any of the Draw cards in the deck with other draw cards such as Jar of Greed, Shard of Greed, etc.
- You can replace one Loading... with Axe of Despair, Blustering Winds, or Back-Up Rider (Use it on Gate Guardian)
Lvl: 40 Blue-Eyes Skill-Less Farm - credit: Justin Joestar
- Can be run Skill-less, Generic Skills you can use are Restart and Reinforcements
- Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon with Kaibaman or Ancient Rules, use Wonder Wand and Blue Dragon Summoner to search for Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
- Eventually Summon a second Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
Last Turn
- Summon Loading...
- Use Loading... and both Loading... on Vassal
- Attack directly for 9999+ damage
Lvl 40: Magician Girl Turbo
- Can be run Skill-less. Skills that can be run include Spell Counter Boost, Draw Sense: LIGHT, Draw Sense: FIRE, Draw Sense: EARTH, and LP Boost Alpha
- Your ideal opening is to either summon Berry Magician Girl (searching Chocolate) or Chocolate Magician Girl (Discarding Berry to Draw a card), otherwise you want to attempt to stall with either Apple Magician Girl or Lemon Magician Girl
- Your Goal is to get 2 Chocolate Magician Girl on the field (by using the effects of Berry, Chocolate, and/or Apple) in order to draw through your deck with their effects.
- When applicable, use the redirection effects of your Magician Girls to protect the Chocolate Magician Girls, otherwise draw through your Deck as much as possible with Wonder Wand and Arcane Barrier (Make sure you pass each turn with either 2 Chocolate Magician Girl or 1 Chocolate with a Berry in Graveyard and another Chocolate in Deck if possible)
Last Turn
- Note that the final Turn doesn't necessarily need to occur when you're out of cards, if you have the means to Xyz Summon a Rank 4 and Quintet Magician with over 10k ATK, that can make up for any Duel Assesment you would be missing (your mileage may vary, of course).
- If possible, Xyz Summon your Zubaba General (As it's a guaranteed Prismatic, netting you bonus Duel Assessment)You can also Xyz Summon Cat Girl Magician (As it's a Spellcaster you can use Wonder Wand on), or Sylvan Princessprite (if you have two Berry Magician Girl).
- Activate Magicalized Fusion to Fusion Summon Quintet Magician with 5 differently-named Spellcasters and use its effect to wipe the Field.
- Activate both Concentrating Current on Quintet and Attack Directly for Victory
Lvl: 30/40 Cerberus Farm - credit Jadehex
- Take 1000 Damage To Proc Sorcery Conduit to draw {Mythical Beast Cerberus]
- Summon {Mythical Beast Cerberus] and activate enough spells to reach a “Safe Point” (Enough attack not to be destroyed by opponent's monsters)
- Keep activating spells until you draw the last card of your deck
- LP management - achieving ‘LP on the brink' - 2x Loading... (or Abyssal Designator) * 2x Loading... * 1x Loading... * 1x Loading... * 1x Loading...
Last Turn
- On Your Last Turn, use Loading... and Loading... on one of your opponents Monsters
- Dump all of your spells in hand (Don't Forget to Hit 100LP)
- Finally, Attack his ATK Position Monster with Cerberus and claim Victory
- Aside From Cerberus, the ENTIRE DECK is essentially replaceable with any spells
- You need to have either Loading... or Unknown Card
- As Long as you can still deal over 9999 Damage the rest of the deck can be pretty much any spell
- Skill can be swapped for Loading...