Introduction to Crystal Beasts


Hello, I'm

and I've been playing Crystal Beasts for a while after the latest support, getting 12th place global in the last KC Cup (February 2025), recently I saw many people are interested in how to play this deck, which is not very popular and has some long combos so it might be hard to figure out all the lines, so I hope this guide can help.

Hey, I'm

I've been also playing a lot of Crystal Beasts recently and while I didn't top KC with it I have also played it a lot, I'm here to shine some light on some less popular versions and help those who get lost easily with the deck. Hope you all enjoy reading it :)

The Cards

Small note:

All the Crystal Beasts have an effect to place themselves in the Spell/Trap (Crystalize) Zone once they are destroyed. I won't reiterate on that as it's the same for all.


Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
Funny enough, the skill allows us to play 4 copies of Pegasus. Pegasus is one of your key cards as you'll see in the combos.
  1. When Pegasus is Summoned, you can place any Crystal Beast monster in your Spell/Trap Zone from anywhere except Banishment.

As simple as this sounds the whole deck revolves around this effect.


Crystal Beast Rainbow Dragon
One of the newer cards of the archetype, and easily one of the strongest ones.
  1. When your Crystal beast is being attacked or attacking you can Special Summon him from the hand.
  2. While crystallized, you can banish him, Special Summon 1 Crystal Beast from Deck and add Loading... from Deck to your hand.

Besides being an extender he is also a searcher and incredibly easy to go into, amazing card. Important to note: you can only use his 2nd effect if you have Loading... in Deck as the part to add him to hand is mandatory.


Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
The 2nd key card of the deck, while you only play 1 the skill adds a 2nd to your deck.
  1. When Ruby is Special Summoned, you can summon as many Crystal Beasts from your Spell/Trap Zone.

Despite the limited amount of Spell/Trap Zones in this format Ruby still serves as a great swarming tool for either Xyz and Link plays.


Rainbow Dragon
The only relevant effect of Rainbow Dragon is the condition to Summon it. As such that will be the only effect mentioned.
  1. You can Special Summon him from hand if you have EXACTLY 7 different Crystal Beasts in grave or on field (including Spell/Trap Zone)

He is the fuel for your big Fusion which we'll get to a bit later on.

Out of all 8 Crystal Beasts we play, 5 of them are just useless besides being Crystal Beast names, those being:

Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
Since the skill just adds them to the deck we do not play a single copy of any one of them.

The Spell and Traps:


Crystal Bond
One of the best cards we have, while being a hard 1 of in the game (cannot get more) we can search this with some cards and the skill. This also serves as your 1 card combo since it represents 2 Crystals (1 in hand 1 on field) for the skill.


Golden Rule
While Bond is one of your best cards, this is by far your strongest. This card is what let's you start your combos by crystallizing 2 from deck (most likely Loading... ) and revive from grave or summon one Crystal from your hand (Usually Loading... ).

When Summoning Ruby it will activate to Summon both Crystals you got with Loading... which alone gives you 3 bodies on field.

We play only 1 of the card because it is easily searchable and you won't get another activation since your crystals will already be used.

Rainbow Bridge
Not much to say here just a searcher that's not a once per turn, can either search for bond to give you combo or search for one of the traps.


Crystal Beacon
Same as Loading... a search from the skill and extender being able to summon Loading... from deck to flood the field once again.


Crystal Conclave
Pretty straight forward, could be used both going 2nd with the last effect of your skill or you can search it for extra bounce during your turn 1.

Notice that this returns the crystal to hand and it can use both Crystalized and Monsters on field .


Crystal Raigeki
Same as Loading... can be searched for an extra pop for turn 1 or as a way to clear threats going 2nd

Notice that this one can only pop Crystallized and it sends to grave which makes easier Loading... summon.

As for traps, you wanna run at least 1 of them at 1, I would recommend to play 1 of each as the skill needs to have targets in deck and both have use cases.

Extra Deck Cards:


The big dude himself, the Strongest card of the deck by far.

Going 2nd clears fields by himself and gives you enough monsters to OTK afterwards, going first can clear boards on end phase and on top of all that has 11000 attack.

The Knightmares

I doubt I need to explain what they do, but besides their on-summon effects, you do use Loading... 's on-field effect since he is co-linked to Loading... making them both protected from destruction effects.


This is your flex spot, we run goddess since she is quite easy to make here with the amount of bodies you generate.


Only used as a way to return garnets such as Loading... to deck.


Decode Talker
Mainly being used for him being a generic link 3, his targeting protection effect comes up sometimes during your turn 1, will be explained later on.


Firewall Dragon
A generic bounce, other than that his other effects won't come up.


Abyss Dweller
THE GOAT himself! A part of some of your turn 1 setups, helps a lot vs any deck that uses the grave.