Welcome to the Royal Court!

D/D/D, or Different Dimension Demons, is a favourite deck of mine (one that I used to KOG with before I worked out how to submit things on this site, which, I must confess, was very recent lmao), and one that was meta some time ago but has largely been lost to the sands of DL history. It's a very fun deck though, so for anyone interested in giving it a go, I hope to do my best in guiding you.

Meet the Kings and Their Subjects: What is D/D/D?

D/D/D is a deck of Fiend monsters, both Pendulum and Non-Pendulum, played by Declan Akaba in the Arc V anime. Support for it comes from various different boxes in the game, beginning in Truth Universe, released alongside Malefics. When Declan Akaba was released more support came in Idea of Armageddon and then in the Arc V all-star Box that was Cross Dimension.

The deck comes in two parts; first are the D/D monsters, the weaker members of the crew who usually work to facilitate the summons of the deck’s higher level monsters. They are all based on either characters from mythology (e.g. Loading... ), or in the case of the ‘D/D Savant’ monsters, prolific scientists.

D/D/D monsters are the higher level monsters I mentioned earlier, all powerful monsters from both the Main and Extra Deck, based upon either famous historical warriors (e.g. Genghis Khan in Loading... ) or expressions for the end of the world (e.g. Loading... ).

If you come from the TCG or Master Duel, you probably know this deck as a combo deck that cycles through all the Extra Deck summoning methods, building powerful boards with cards like Loading... .

We… don’t play this deck like that here in Duel Links. For reasons I’ll get into later, our version of this deck is a Pendulum Xyz strategy, designed to place many Level 8 bodies on board to make powerful Rank 8 Xyz Monsters, or alternatively beat our opponent to death with the high ATK monsters we summon.

The Skill - Why Is D/D/D Played This Way?

To provide context as to why D/D/D is built in Duel Links as it is, we should look at the deck’s associated Skill first.

Command of the Doom King is really the only Skill you should be playing for this deck. It does 2 things for us:

  1. Gives us Pendulum Zones at the start of the Duel.
  2. Once per Duel, If we have Loading... in our hand, we can send it to our Extra Deck to place one D/D monster from our Deck to our Pendulum Zone, as well as one from our field if we have it.

If you think this skill is tame compared to meta skills now, you’d be right. This was snapping on the heels of meta just over a year ago, look how far we’ve come with skill power… a little too far evidently.

This Skill allows us to get Pendulum Scales built up to summon our Level 8 monsters, which we can then use to slap our opponent or to perform the Xyz Summon of Rank 8 monsters. This skill, combined with several missing cards I’ll bring up later, should explain why we build D/D/D like this in DL.

The Main Deck Monsters

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon
It’s incredible that a card that sucks as much as this one does in paper play is the beating heart of the Duel Links version of D/D/D.

Having read the skill, it should be clear that we always love to see this guy in our hand. His effect virtually never comes up but he’s a Level 8, a 3K beatstick and the Golden Boy of this Deck. Absolutely run 3 Armageddon. Maxxing out on him is a necessity.