Leaks: App Update - April 18th
April 18th Update
Note: This article will be updated throughout the day. Check back regularly as more information is added including New Skills!
New IDs
- IsThisOverRushRare (The "Full Art" card style for RUSH DUEL Cards)
New Feature: Activation Order Toggle
Once you have updated to version 8.7.0 you will be able to choose whether to Automatically order card activations or choose them manually in certain cases.
Speed Duel kills
Thanks to
for Datamining and compiling the Skill Texts!-
Dennis Skill 1:
You can use each of this Skill's first and second effects once per Duel, and only one effect per turn. During this Duel, you cannot Special Summon any monsters (excluding Special Summons from the Extra Deck) except "Performage" monsters or Level 4 Spellcaster Type monsters.
1: Add 1 Loading... , Loading... or Loading... at random from outside your Deck to your hand. Then, you must return 1 "Performage" monster from your hand to your Deck.
2: Add 1 "Performage" monster from your Deck to your hand. Then, you must return 1 Loading... , Loading... or Loading... from your hand to your Deck.
Dennis Skill 2
You can use this Skill's second effect once per turn.
1: At the start of the Duel, add "??????" to your Deck / Extra Deck.
2: If you took effect damage this turn, return 1 Spellcaster Type monster that is banished or in your Graveyard to your Deck.
Dennis Skill 3
You can use each of this Skill's first, second and third effects once per turn. During this Duel, you cannot Special Summon any monsters (excluding Special Summons from the Extra Deck) except "Performage" monsters or Level 4 Spellcaster Type monsters.
1: Send 1 "Performage" monster from your hand to the Graveyard to add 1 "Performage" monster from your Deck to your hand.
2: Return 1 monster from your field to your Deck to set 1 "Performage" monster from your Deck to your field (its battle position can be changed).
3: If you control a face-up "Performage" Xyz monster, change the ATK of 1 monster on your field to be equal to the highest ATK monster on your opponent's field plus 1000 until the end of the turn.
Dennis Skill 4
You can only use this Skill once per Duel if your Deck (excluding the Extra Deck) contains at least 8 Level 4 or lower monsters that are LIGHT or Spellcaster Type.
1: Return 3 non-LIGHT Spellcaster Type monsters from your Graveyard to your Deck. Then, you can take 1 "Performage" monster from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or send it to the Graveyard.
The Phantom Knights Skill:
You can use each of this Skill's first and second effects once per Duel. During this Duel, you cannot Special Summon any monsters with Levels except "The Phantom Knights" monsters. During your opponent's turn, you can only activate one monster effect.
1: Send 1 monster from your hand or field to the Graveyard to send 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster from your Deck to your Graveyard, and then set 1 Loading... from outside your Deck to your field (it can be activated this turn).
2: Send 1 face-up DARK Xyz monster to your Graveyard to set 1 Loading... from your Extra Deck to your field (its battle position can be changed).
Note from BritishPiper: I think this is a bug, but if you control a token, with no other monsters in your hand or field, you can activate the first effect of the PK skill without paying the cost.
Raidraptor Skill:
You can use each of this Skill's first and second effects once per Duel. During this Duel, you cannot Special Summon monsters, except Xyz monsters or "Raidraptor" monsters.
1: Return 1 Loading... from your hand to your Deck to add 1 "Raidraptor" monster from your Deck to your hand.
2: Send 1 monster from your hand or field to your Graveyard to add 1 "Rank-Up-Magic" spell from your Deck to your hand and set 1 Loading... from outside of your Deck to your field (it can be activated this turn).
Altergeist Skill:
You can use this Skill's second effect once per Duel on turn 2 onward if your Deck (excluding the Extra Deck) contains 9 or more "Altergeist" monsters.
1: Gain 1000 Life Points at the start of the Duel.
2: Return 1 monster from your field to your Deck, and then set 1 Loading... from outside your Deck to your field (its battle position can be changed).
Fabled Skill
You can only use this Skill's second effect once per Duel and it's first effect once per turn. During this Duel, you cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters (excluding Special Summons from the Extra Deck) except "Fabled" monsters.
1: Send 1 monster from your hand or field to your Graveyard to add 1 "Fabled" card from your Graveyard to your hand.
2: Return 1 "Fabled" card from your hand to your Deck to add 1 "Fabled" card from your Deck your hand. During this turn, you can Normal Summon 1 Loading... in addition to your regular Normal Summon/Set.
"Draw Sense: Pendulum"
You can use this Skill's second effect once per Duel if your Deck (excluding the Extra Deck) contains 9 or more monsters.
1: At the beginning of the Duel, add Pendulum Zones to your field.
2: Can be used before your normal draw if you control no monsters and your opponent controls a monster. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random Pendulum monster from your Deck.
Xyz Skill 1
You can only use this Skill if your Extra Deck contains at least 2 Rank 4 or lower Xyz monsters.
1: Gain 1600 Life Points at the start of the Duel.
2: Gain 400 Life Points at the end of each turn you Special Summoned a Rank 4 or lower Xyz monster.
Xyz Skill 2
You can use this Skill's second effect once per turn. This Skill can be used if your Extra Deck contains at least 1 LIGHT Xyz monster.
1: Gain 1500 Life Points at the start of the Duel.
2: Select 1 Xyz monster you control to gain 300 ATK until the end of the turn. It gains an additional 300 ATK until the end of the turn if there is a LIGHT monster on your field or in your Graveyard.
Rush Duel Skills
Nail Skill
[EFFECT] Set 1 Loading... from your Deck or Graveyard in your Spell & Trap Zone.
Luke Skill 1
This Skill can be used if the only monsters with 1400 or more ATK in your Deck are Dragon Type and there's at most 1 Level 5 or higher non-FIRE monster in your Deck.
[EFFECT] 1 face-up Level 6 or higher FIRE Normal Monster on your field gains 600 ATK until the end of the turn. Then, if it is Level 7, you can add 1 Loading... from your Deck or Graveyard to your Hand (once per Duel).
Luke Skill 2
This Skill can be used if the only monsters with 1300 or more ATK in your Deck are Dragon Type and there's at most 1 Level 6 or higher non-DARK monster in your Deck.
[EFFECT] Change the Original ATK of 1 face-up Level 5 or Level 7 DARK monster to 2600 until the end of the turn. Then, if it is a Loading... that was Normal Summoned this turn, you can add 1 Level 7 DARK monster from your Graveyard to your Hand (once per Duel).
Gavin Skill 1
This Skill can be used if the only Level 4 or higher monsters in your Deck are Warrior or Fairy Type.
[REQUIREMENT] Can be activated on turn 2 onward.
[EFFECT] Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and reveal 1 Level 6 Fairy Type monster with 0 ATK in your hand to add 1 Loading... from your Deck to your hand. At the start of your Battle Phase and End Phase of this turn, change the Battle Position of your face-up Level 6 Fairy Type monsters.
Gavin Skill 2
This Skill can be used if the only monsters with 1400 or more ATK in your Deck are Warrior or Winged Beast Type.
[REQUIREMENT] Can be activated on turn 2 onward during the turn you Summoned a Level 6 or higher monster.
[EFFECT] Send up to 2 DARK Warrior Type monsters from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard. Then, you can make 1 face-up WATER Winged Beast Type monster on your field gain 1000 ATK until the end of this turn.
Romin Skill
This Skill can be used if the only monsters in your Deck are Psychic Type and there's at most 1 Level 7 or higher non-LIGHT monster in your Deck.
[EFFECT] Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck and, if you don't control a face-up Loading... , you must also reveal 1 Level 7 LIGHT monster in your hand. Then, add 1 Level 1 or Level 4 LIGHT monster with 100 DEF or less from your Graveyard to your hand (at most 1 Effect Monster per Duel).
Blue-Eyes Skill
This Skill can be used if your Deck (excluding the Extra Deck) contains 7 or more Level 5 or higher monsters and the only monsters in your Deck with 1700 or more ATK or DEF are Level 8 LIGHT monsters with 1600 or more DEF.
[REQUIREMENT] Can be activated on turn 2 onward if you control no face-up Level 8 or higher monsters.
[EFFECT] Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck and reveal 1 Loading... in your hand to add 1 Loading... from your Deck to your hand.
Archive Skill 1
This Skill can be used if the only Level 5 or higher monsters in your Deck are Pyro Type monsters that are either Normal Monsters or FIRE Effect Monsters with 0 DEF.
[EFFECT] 1 face-up Level 5 or higher monster on your field gains 600 ATK until the end of the turn. Then, if it is a Level 7 or higher monster that was Normal Summoned this turn, you can add 1 Pyro Type Normal Monster with 1300 or less ATK from your Graveyard to your hand.