Forbidden/Limited List & Skill Balance Update
Published on April 27th, 2022
Updated on April 27th, 2022
Forbidden/Limited List Update
The Forbidden/Limited List will be updated on May 12th with new cards added to the list:
- Loading... and Loading... (releasing in an upcoming Special Set on April 30th) are now Limited to 1
- Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... are now limited to 2.
- Loading... and Loading... are now limited to 3.
- Loading... is no longer on the List.
Skill Changes
The Following Skills will be changed around October 13th - 16th
Memories of a Pharoah: Obelisk the Tormentor will now be usable Turn 3 and Onward instead of Turn 3, but will require you to run 3 Loading...
Summoning Crest will always add Loading... to your hand before rolling the dice (The "12 or more" result is now "11 or more" and is now "Return 1 card in your hand to the bottom of your Deck.)
Gimmick Puppet - Replacement will be changing its Deckbuilding restriction (This feels like a weird translation issue because the Skill appears to be worse)
Dkayed's Video
Tell us your thoughts on the new Forbidden/Limited List in the comments below!