July 19th Update

Upcoming Skills

Note: Datamined Skill effects may not be fully complete, missing additional requirements and/or card interactions etc. Check back often for more updates as these Skills are tested further, and after Maintenance on July 26th for Celinas complete Skill texts!

Thanks to

for helping to test these Skills.

Skill 1220

Activates at start of Duel. Add cards to the Deck / Extra Deck.

Once per duel, can be used before your normal draw if your life points decrease by 2000, instead of conducting your normal draw, add 1 Loading... from your Deck/GY to your hand.

Skill 1221

(Unknown Activation Condition): Place 1 "Lunalight" monster from your GY on to the field in face-down Defense Position, then place 1 random monster from your opponent's GY on the their field in Attack Position.

Skill 1222

Each of the following effects can be used once per Duel.

  • Discard 1 "Lunalight" monster from your hand and target 1 Loading... from your hand. The selected card becomes Loading... .
  • Discard 1 "Lunalight" monster from your hand. Send 1 "Lunalight" monster from your Deck/Extra Deck to the GY.

Skill 1223

(Unknown Activation Condition): Once per Duel, Change all monsters on your opponent's field to Defense Position, then halve their ATK/DEF.

Skill 1224

Once per Duel, Choose one of the following effects.

  • Return 1 banished "Lunalight" card to the GY.
  • Return 1 banished "Lunalight" card to the Deck.

Skill 1225

Once per turn, Activate only if there is a “Lunalight” Fusion Monster on your side of the field that was Fusion Summoned this turn. Equip Loading... from your GY to 1 "Lunalight" monster on your side of the field.

Once per duel, you can equip "Mystical Moon" from outside your deck instead of GY.

Skill 1226

Can be used before your normal draw each time your life points decrease by 1000. One of the cards from your normal draw this turn will be a random Beast-Warrior monster from your Deck.

Keep in mind that the datamined information is speculation, and remains unconfirmed until officially announced by Konami

Tell us your thoughts on the new cards in the comments below!