November 25th Update
Rarity Change
- Loading... From UR to SR (Changed Again)
- Loading... From SR to UR
- Loading... From UR to SR
- Loading... From R to UR
- Loading... From SR to UR (Changed Again)
- Loading... From SR to UR
December Ranked Rewards
The Ranked Rewards for the December Season has been leaked! Here are the cards rarity from SR and R in that order:
New Cards to be Added
Old Cards to be Added
Rewards from previous events to been added to Ranked Duels Ticket Rewards!
New Mat/Sleeves IDs
- Blair Flannigan
- Maiden in Love
- Dark Signer Rex Goodwin
- Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca
- Jack Atlas (This is a different ID for Jack, more Likely the Fake Jack Atlas from the Anime/Tag Force Games)
- Carly Carmine (Normal Version)
- Fortune Fairy Hikari
New Title For Upcoming Event
- Contest Battle Title