The Meta did not see many relevant changes, since the two best decks (HEROs and Salamangreat) are still extremely dominant due to their strength going first and second. To have a chance in this meta, one has to make a board turn 1 that doesn't immediately get OTK'd while also being able to play through 2-3+ interruptions going second (which is a combination that's really hard for most decks to have). For example, Tri-Brigade can set up a very solid Turn 1 but can't deal with 3+ interruptions Turn 2. Predaplant, on the other hand, still have a threatening Turn 2, but their Turn 1 is quite easy to break (especially if they're hit with Loading... or Loading... . I expect the vast majority of KC Cup players to be playing either HEROs or Salamangreat, with only a few other decks that can keep a decent winrate against both.

HERO and Salamangreat have again proven that they are the best decks, making sure other decks are behind by a fair amount. Going into KC, it's expected that a lot of the Top 100 will be between these two, with HERO probably edging out Salamangreat as the better deck as the draw power can be a lot to handle, and with the use of Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... decks will have a harder time OTKing Turn 2, whilst also dealing with HEROs going 2nd. It also helps that HERO doesn't have a timing out issue like Salamangreat currently has in some situations.

Tier 1

TPC Comments

HEROs will probably be the most prominent deck in the next KaibaCorp Cup (at least at the start), as the deck wins and loses faster than Salamangreat on top of its uncanny ability to adapt with its draw power. Being able to draw into whatever 3-of techs you're running consistently isn't something to be taken lightly in KC Cup Format.

HERO should be a very popular choice for this KCC. The deck has the flexibility to adjust its non-engine cards to adapt to the meta. This, combined with its strong draw power, allows it to find those techs more reliably than other decks.

I'm just going to briefly talk about Salamangreat deckbuilding. I reccomend playing a smaller list, since you still need to play around disruption despite its 100% consistency. With a smaller deck, you have more chances to draw Salamangreat cards, which is important against an Loading... coming from Crystal Beast and the mirror (surely you don't want to only be opening non-engine against Dweller pass).

The biggest advantage Salamangreat has over HERO is its consistency. No matter what cards you open, the skill guarantees a play, essentially removing variance from your games. At that point, it comes down to whether you can play through your opponent's interruptions while also managing your timer.

Tier 2