, TPC Manager
A Word FromHello all, in light of the recent balance update, the Top Player Council will walk through the current Tier List decks and how the recent updates affected them. The next Tier List will be on May 1st, 2023
At first glance looks like we are regressing to pre-KCC meta without pure Mekk-Knights or Salamangreat Code Talker in the format with the advent of the the banlist hits.
As usual, Konami decided to hit decks' consistency and made some weird choices like hitting Loading... due to its floodgate effect (but leaving it at 3).
With no Skill rebalancing as of yet: Phantom Knights, HEROs, Resonators, Solfachord, D/D/D and World Chalice seem like the banlist winners so far.
With all the developments it seems that Phantom Knights comes back as the deck to beat. Solfachord doesn't really go up the ladder because of the bad Phantom Knight matchup but probably keeps its post-KC Cup viability.
With everything nerfed, stuff like Resonators deserve a shoutout, but for now it seems like Phantom Knights are in the spotlight for the time being, with its decent ability to go first or second, its consistency, and its grid game. Every other deck seems to have its own issues in one or more of these areas, though maybe we will see something else emerge like Dark Magician, Starry Knights, World Chalice, etc. The meta is so nerfed that a lot of the stuff can attempt to challenge the meta.
Current Tier List
Tier 2
TPC Comments
Every variant of HEROs got Loading... back, although I am skeptical how much of an impact that makes. Would people play the Vision HERO version over HERO Alliance ? I guess it's just a matter of comboing with Vision HEROs before losing over Normal Summoning Loading... before losing, but I digress.
HERO decks (in general) are the winners after this banlist, with Loading... now being free. In my opinion, it is one of the stronger decks right now (alongside Phantom Knights), which benefit from the Mekk-Knight hits.
Out of all the decks, HEROs got out scott free (probably due to not performing too well in the KC Cup). The most important change being Loading... 's release, which will help out other HERO builds (like Wounded Hero , for instance).