With the New Years Box around the corner, the playerbase is waiting in anticipation for the new card injection. That being said, the Lulu and Rin event has unexpectedly added a new wrinkle to the meta in Loading... which has started to see incorportation in Lyrilusc builds.
Tier 1
Predaplant is definitely the strongest deck in the game right now with the most options going first and second. It has the least amount of bad matchups and it seems decklists are solved for the most part. Without any nerfs to the deck I can't see it dropping any lower for the time being.
Tier 2
TPC Comments
Some Ghostrick lists started playing Loading... as another form of no-cost removal on your opponent's turn. This card, along with Loading... , provide ways to deal with Loading... , denying Lyrilusc from summoning Loading... , a card that Ghostrick can't out otherwise.
Lyrilusc is the only deck that saw relevant changes. The deck now has access to Loading... , a 3500 ATK Monster that is unaffected by all card effects that decks like Ghostrick (which used to be a very good lyrilusc counter) cannot deal with. You can summon this Fusion Monster with Loading... (which is searchable by Loading... ). Unfortunately this is not enough to push the deck to Tier 1, as Predaplant can out this fusion very easily. This small Fusion package basically trades a good win condition against some decks for a worse matchup into some others
It seems Infernoble Knight can't find a reliable way to beat Predaplant without hurting its already shaky consistency. I've seen lists try Loading... , but the problem that's being faced is the fact that you not only need to draw Nibiru in 30 cards you're also hurting consistency and lowering your power into other matchups. Regardless, the deck is still quite strong into other decks.