Tier 1
TPC Comments
Predaplant moves up as the only Tier 1 and the reason is that's its favored against almost everything (aside from Ghostricks). The turn 1 is weaker than it used to be, but it's still strong enough to beat most decks. Loading... to search Loading... into Loading... seems to be a solid answer to Lyrilusc. I wouldn't consider this a "Predaplant meta" tho, cause it still loses to Loading... and some Handtraps, and a lot of decks are still playable in the format, but no other deck now seems to be as good as Predaplants.
Even after the banlist hits, Predaplant has proven to be quite strong. The deck seems to have settled on playing Loading... as it's the card that allows it to comfortably play into any relevant board. After the Loading... Limit, the deck has moved onto Loading... , but have lately started to also use Loading... to search Loading... and Loading... as it makes a relatively good Turn 1 into Lyrilusc (turning the matchup into Predplants favor).
Predaplant seems like a solid option right now. The previously unfavorable Lyrilusc matchup has improved with the inclusion of the Loading... + Loading... package. Loading... has also become nearly mandatory in most lists.
Tier 2
TPC Comments
Ghostrick can set-up the strongest Turn 1 in the game a the moment. However, it's main issue is its Turn 1 relies on what non-engine Traps it draws. The engine itself still provides some defense with Handtraps and Loading... , but some decks can deal with them pretty easily (like Predplants using Loading... or Infernoble Knight using Loading... ). The deck has some bad matchups, but as long as Predaplants and Lyrilusc are around, Ghostrick will remain a strong contender in the meta.
The main reason Infernoble Knight finds its way here is a very postivive matchup against Ghostrick (when most other decks lacks). With the use of Loading... and constant pops from Loading... , Ghostrick cannot establish a field, and Loading... helps push through handtraps to avoid giving Ghostrick time to find ways to out Grarl.
Even going second, cards like Loading... and Phoenix Gearfried can play through a few interactions (and cards like Loading... warrant a negate or else it will break the whole field).
Additionally, Infernoble has received a new endboard piece in Loading... which, upon hitting the GY, lets you search Loading... . This allows Infernoble to at least have a realistic chance going first into Lyrilusc.