Tier 1
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Harpies are still the most consistent with a searchable Draw 2 and its ability to force backrow with Loading... just proves too difficult of a task for the meta to handle. Not much else to be said about this deck it just proves how fragile and weak most decks of this format are.
Harpie returns to the sole tier 1 after all of the dust has finally settled post banlist. The initial gut-reaction to the semi-limit of Loading... lowered the representation of Harpie but people have slowly realized that the deck is just as good as ever. Returning to being the most represented in overall breakdowns and Top 32 breakdowns, Harpies shows that it is clearly the best deck, however due to low overall power it is possible to still win with other decks.
Harpies are back at Tier 1. This change should have happened a few weeks prior honestly. While Loading... has been hit thus reducing the deck's access to Loading... and ability to play through disruption, the deck proves itself to be still extremely dominant.
In our current format, multi-faceted disruption in the form of both monster effects and backrow is really strong and Harpies are able to do so while also utilizing a Skill which allows them force out opposing backrow. Harpies' Hunting Ground essentially makes every Harpie monster a free +1. The current builds are either still trying to mimic the low card-count Harpie decks prior to the banlist or are settling down playing 30 cards with the combination of Loading... and backrow such as Loading... , Loading... and Discard Traps. The 30-card version focuses more on disrupting the opponent via backrow and gaining massive advantage via Hysteric Sign. The low card count harpies are simply replacing Loading... with cards like Loading... or even Loading... while the 30-card lists are focusing more on the control aspects instead of quick OTKs. Loading... has found its way back into both builds as it is both an insane recovery and comeback tool but it is remains to be seen if its gonna be popular long-term, because as soon as Harpies are seen to dominate the meta, more decks which can utilize Loading... and Loading... are bound to rise in popularity (which Hysteric Party is particularly weak to).
Tier 2
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Melodious falls into Tier 2 this week, it appears that even with Loading... being at 2, the deck still cant keep up with Harpies. we have seen Melodious decks adjusting their build and playing higher card-count builds with more disruptive techs like Loading... and Loading... . It seems that these builds hinder the deck's consistency, meaning powerful Turn 1 fusion plays are less likely. The rise of Abyss Actors is also detrimental to Melodious, as it's considered a bad match-up for them as they struggle to get over a set Loading... , while Abyss Actors have easy Bloom Diva outs from the Extra Deck. So between the rise of a bad match-up, and Harpies still being dominant, Melodious has dropped to Tier 2.
As we see the meta evolve Melodious have been directly impacted by the large meta-shifts in the last week. The problem with Melodious being the “deck to beat” is Melodious can't adapt well enough to it’s best counters to stay on the throne for long. As you may already know, Loading... has seen a large resurgence in the meta-game, especially in Harpie decks. Melodious have a tough time playing aggressively through a Drowning as they typically lack an easy way to play around it without losing too many resources or giving up too many turns. So why can’t you play defensively and opt for deck-out like before? The biggest problem for Melodious is a deck like Harpie utilizes Drowning against them so effectively. Melodious has to play into Harpie aggressively, otherwise you give them too many turns where they will eventually break your board and OTK. Melodious can’t just run more Loading... to combat this as Harpie can easily set three themselves, making it so you have a 1-in-3 chance to hit the Drowning and a 1 in 3 to instantly lose the game by hitting a Loading... . Essentially, decks that can put up powerful walls but still break boards, namely Ritual Beasts, Abyss Actors and Harpies, are very good against Melodious as they leave them with no reliable win-con. With Abyss Actors and Harpie being two counter decks that are rising in popularity, Melodious will have a harder time doing well at the highest level of play.