Tier 1

There are no Tier 1 Decks

Tier 2

TPC Comments

With Shaddoll's demotion, the Top Player Council are fairly confident that Borrel Link, Performage, and Unchained constitute the decks to beat in the format. However, there is still no consensus on a deck that stands above the rest to a degree that one would expect in a typical meta. Thus, we have another week without a Tier 1 Deck. With recent announcements, we will have to see if this will change with a new content injection to the cardpool.

Tier 3

TPC Comments

Blue-Eyes is in a weird position this format, where it doesn't necessarily have a winning matchup against other decks but it's also ignorant to many of the popular techs running around. The deck still sees some tournament success here and there, but much less than prior formats.

I do think there is an argument to be made for putting Sacred Beast in Tier 2; it's a safe pick to bring to tournaments and the like. However, I believe it's in a spot where it's better than the Tier 3 decks but not particularly better than the Tier 2 Decks. The deck just feels too reliant on resolving Loading... and snowballing the game off of drawn techs. Handtraps can prevent this from happening and a board with multiple interactions poses a threat to the deck.

Sacred Beast does what Blue-Eyes does (albeit slightly better due to a cracked Skill that allows for a 4K Body and easy set-up for Loading... protection and draw), although Sacred Beast is more vulnerable to handtraps that Blue-Eyes doesn't care about. If there were "in-between tiers", Sacred Beast would comfortably sit at Tier 2.5 while Blue-Eyes would be Tier 3.