Tier 1
TPC Comments
Aside from Orcust adapting to Loading... by using more defensive hand-traps like Loading... and Loading... alongside going second cards like Loading... , not much has changed. The pure version using Loading... and token-generating monsters (Loading... and Loading... ) has been settled on as the go-to version at the moment, with its ability to run techs while maintaining consistency (either by opening Loading... or a Loading... line). As for Skills, the deck has mainly settled on Sealed Tombs as it can be useful against most of the meta, even powering through the matchups where it's dead like Solfachord due to the sheer power of the engine. The more generic options still exist like LP Boost Alpha , Switcheroo , Three Effects! , etc., but they're less attractive in tournament setting.
Tier 2
TPC Comments
D/D/D hasn't been performing too well in the last few weeks. We're keeping eyes on it but I personally expect it to drop off soon.
D/D/D's effectiveness in countering the Tier 1 Orcust with Loading... has been decreasing, as more Orcust builds are choosing to run token generators and Loading... to start their plays and play more handtraps which allow them to survive a turn to deal with D/D/D on the crackback if they are Lancea'd.
Also, the shift of Tier 3 decks from Phantom Knights and HEROs to decks that are less weak to Lancea has made D/D/D's Tier 2 position weaker.
Tier 3
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