I think the meta is still evolving, but the biggest winners from the latest BOX seem to be Predaplant and Ghostrick. The new strategies favor tdecks that have ways to deal with backrow and put non-monster disruptions on the field.

Tier 1

Tier 2

TPC Comments

Even though Ghostrick lacks in terms of offensive power, the deck's winning potential is not comparable to other decks. It can search counter-matchup Field Spells like Loading... and Loading... , play defensive cards like Loading... and Loading... , and avoid lethal with its searchable handtraps.

Ghosttrick has shown that, despit its lackluster TCG performance, it can be one of the best decks in Duel Links (thanks to Ghostrick Invitation which solves a lot of the decks issues, giving it more speed than it would have normally). The deck simply generates cards like it's nothing with the way its Xyz Monsters search and recycle cards. It also has access to many tools like the ability to search any Field Spell turn 1, staving off lethal with its two in-archetype handtraps, and its in-archtype Traps like Loading... and Loading... . Its tech cards also help control the game with blowouts like Loading... and Loading... . This all culminates in the deck catering to its other win condition: deck-out (using the effect of Loading... ). When it comes to its matchups, the deck has a very strong one against Lyrilusc, who has a hard time playing into Loading... (and there isn't much that can be done to seize control of the game back from Ghostrick). The deck also naturally runs a ton of backrow, gaining an inherent advantage against decks with limited backrow hate.

Predaplants have so much potential and I can see them doing well. This deck just has an insane consistency, with half of the deck being a 1.5 card combo (you just need to draw another Starving Venom Invasion target , which is usually around 25 cards out of 30) and a lot of them being also extenders, you have an answer to Lyrilusc with Loading... placing Predator Counters on all their untargetable monsters so that you can Fusion Summon with them, or tribute them for a Loading... , you can make Loading... to survive while getting a free search when Loading... is detatched, you have almost infinite resources in grind games with Loading... . The deck only struggles against high impact backrow cards like Loading... and Set monsters (since you can't put Preadator Counters on them), which means Ghostricks and Shaddolls are pretty hard to deal with. If the deck gets optimized with answers to those weaknesses, Predaplants can definetly be a strong pick in the meta.

One of the strongest (yet cheapest) decks in this meta, Predaplant is incredibly consistent thanks to Starving Venom Invasions +2 card advantage. On top of that, its ability to place Predator Counters gives it functional removal with Loading... . However, it lacks the ability to deal with Set monsters from decks like Shaddoll and Ghostrick. I can't see more of what this deck can do in upcoming tournaments.

Predaplant, the new breakout deck of the BOX has some incredible tools not yet seen before in the game. Going second with Starving Venom Invasion can instantly remove any monster from the field. While its Turn 1 might seem weak, it can still make Loading... , search Loading... , or use Loading... 's GY effect to guarantee survival into Turn 3 against the more aggressive decks, and then bury them in the card advantage from Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... . Aside from that, it also has a searchable Loading... that acts as a silver bullet against a lot of decks.