Tier 1
TPC Comments
Harpies continue to be the strongest deck despite not winning the most recent Meta Weekly / MCS. The deck has adjusted to the emergence of the Tier 3 strategies by main decking multiple copies of Loading... to pop cards like Loading... or Dark Contract Spells and Traps. For the time being, the only thing that can stop Harpies from being the best deck is a broken main BOX.
Harpies remain as the best deck in the format despite their rocky week. I think this is due to the fact that many players did not expect Destiny HEROs to become such an unfavorable matchup for Harpies, as now there is a trend for Harpies to main deck Loading... to combat Loading... and destroy it before it gets 4 Clock Counters. Harpies' Melodious matchup has not changed much either since the deck's backrow disruption and Loading... 's bounce still prove difficult for Melodious to deal with most of the time.
Tier 2
TPC Comments
Melodious remain at Tier 2 this week, the best deck not named Harpies. This deck remains a very strong meta gatekeeper, if you can't survive a graveyard banish or out the indestructible Loading... , you're not going to do very well in this meta. The only thing keeping it from Tier 1 status is the losing matchup it has versus Harpies. Don't expect much future movement from this deck without a new meta contender or a balance update to knock Harpies down a peg.
Tier 3
TPC Comments
D/D/D is not happy about the high volume of Destiny HERO because Loading... can be an insane interruption against D/D/D going first or second. Clock of Destiny grants the Destiny HERO player a free copy of MST at minimum. Worse than that, in order to counter Destiny HERO, other players are maining MST themselves. Therefore, it will be hard for D/D/D to have many great tournament results in the following weeks and could see a demotion relatively shortly.