Tier 1

I think Borrel Link is a really good deck and maybe better than everything not named Lyrulisc right now, but this past week I've been thinking it might only be the best deck to play into Lyrilusc, rather than a dominant deck itself. We'll have to see how it performs in the upcoming weeks with the new box release.

I expect Lyrilusc to continue its dominance in the meta, completely warping around itself. It seems that only Loading... can stop this deck (and only for a single turn) (even Loading... isn't ideal). Unless the next BOX can shake up the meta, I expect this to continue being the best deck (until the post-KCC Banlist).

Not much has changed: Lyrilusc remains the Top Deck. Many players have been using Loading... to stop cards like Loading... and Loading...

Tier 2

The Dogmatika engine in De Fleur decks is seeing more play now as it adds extra disruptions going first and also helps flood the field going second. It's ability to play hand traps like Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... as well as Loading... + Loading... / Loading... makes it a good choice if you plan on countering Lyrulisc. Also no restrictions allows it to play Loading... giving it an edge tech-wise over various decks in the meta. I expect this variant to see more play leading up to the new box.

Dogmatika Fleur is one of the most successful builds. Some decklists have started replacing Loading... with a second Loading... and Loading... in the Extra Deck. This way, you can get an extra 300 ATK boost on Loading... and play around Loading... , since Loading... doesn't target.

Tier 3