Announcement from , TPC Manager

This is the first Tier List of our new Top Player Council

Tier 1

TPC Comments

Salamangreat is still dominating the field, as the power to constantly recycle Loading... every turn is insane. They continue to be the best deck in the format, being able to keep up with any deck going first or second.

The deck can still be countered by decks like Odd-Eyes and Burning Abyss, but in Side Deck format, everything is different. Cards like Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... will help Salamangreat easily deal with those decks (and literally every other deck in the game).

While it doesn't feel as powerful or oppressive as previous "best decks", Salamangreat could rise up to Tier 0 status as the format advances, since the best counter is The Tie that Binds Salamangreat and building your deck with techs that will let you play the game if you lose the coinflip.

Salamangreat is proven to be the best deck in the meta with no contenders. Its consistency and ability to recycle resources every turn and set up a searchable Counter Trap negate puts it at Tier 1. However, there is no “correct” list as of right now, as we see 20-24-card lists and 25–30-card lists that play more techs. We currently see Loading... in a lot of Salamangreat lists, as it is a blowout card against Odd-Eyes and HEROs, which basically only destroys your opponent's monsters since you can protect your own using the GY effect of Loading... .

Within two weeks after its release, Salamangreat managed to rise to Tier 1 status and dominated the competitive scene (with the help of the latest balance updates effectively killing the contenders of the last meta). The deck has incredible consistency, a powerful Turn 1 thanks to Loading... , archetypal destruction protection provided by Loading... (also allowing them to effectively use Loading... as a 1-sided Loading... ), and a great grind game. So far the deck managed to survive the many Side Deck hate techs towards it like Loading... and Loading... . Also, in order to cover their weakness of high ATK monsters, the new builds started to cut the additional copies of Loading... in favor of Loading... and/or Loading... . Loading... is also seeing less use in the Main / Side decks, as Links don't have to worry about it's ATK Reduction. The deck was so dominant over the last week that any deck with a good Salamangreat matchup had a decent shot of topping regardless of their other matchups, like Yosenju. Whether Salamangreat stays this dominant or falls off a bit is yet to be seen, but unless the new Mini BOX brings a great contender or two, it seems like it's here to stay for a bit.

Since it came out, Salamangreat is still the best deck of current format due to its consistency, recursion, and disruption between Loading... , techs like Loading... / Loading... / Loading... , and Loading... to deal with big monsters from the likes of D/D/D, Odd-Eyes, and HEROs to wipe their field and protect yours with Loading... .

Salamangreat is the best deck in these last two weeks with the best winrate, great consistency, and great recovery. Right now, there is no deck that could possibly pull Salamangreat away from Tier 1