Tournament Information


  • 31 Players
  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck

Full Standings on StartGG

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $10 USD

1st Place –

32 cards
3 copies
2 copies
Amabear Lilith

2nd Place – KYO

Ancient Gear Golem
2 copies
Jointech Rex
3 copies
Steel Steed Martin Vainari
3 copies
Nail Hedgepeg
3 copies
Jointech Leo
3 copies
Rising Light Angel Essel
Ultimate Flag Beast Boltricorn
3 copies
3 copies
Crafter Drone
2 copies
Talismanic Seal Array
3 copies
Barrage of Steel
Rice Terrace Crisis
Negate Attack
Buffered Slime

3rd/4th Place – NovaKing

30 cards
3 copies
Imaginary Reactor
3 copies
3 copies
Sword Dancer
2 copies
Magic Juggler
3 copies
Imaginary Actor
Monster Reincarnation
3 copies
Star Restart
Talismanic Seal Array
3 copies
Imaginary Arc Turbo
2 copies
Barrage of Steel
3 copies
Type Change Beam
Negate Attack
Buffered Slime
2 copies
Metarion Herculestar
2 copies
Metarion Ashurastar
2 copies
Metarion Vritrastar

3rd/4th Place – Knight

30 cards
2 copies
Illusion Strike Dragon Miragias
3 copies
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
Phoenix Dragon
3 copies
Fortitude Dragon
3 copies
Triad Drago
3 copies
Star Replacer
3 copies
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
2 copies
3 copies
The Dragon
Pot of Avarice
3 copies
Dragon's Inferno
Negate Attack
Dragon's Fortitude
2 copies
Hazy Strike Dragon Miragiastar F
3 copies
Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F