Tournament Information


  • 15 Players
  • 120 Minute Point Battle Room

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $10 USD

1st Place –

Ancient Gear Golem
2 copies
Cyber Assault Dragon
3 copies
Cyber Dragon
2 copies
Nail Hedgepeg
Cyber Search Dragon
3 copies
Proto-Cyber Dragon
Ultimate Flag Beast Boltricorn
3 copies
Assault Cannon
3 copies
Crafter Drone
Pot of Greed
Cyber Entry
2 copies
Talismanic Seal Array
2 copies
3 copies
Barrage of Steel
Widespread Ruin
Forever Freeze
2 copies
Cyber End Dragon
Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F
2 copies
Cyber Twin Dragon

2nd Place –

3 copies
Constructor Wyrm Buildragon
3 copies
Picklon the Constructor Fairy
Constructor Desk Worker Tarasque
3 copies
Constructor Princess Pylon
3 copies
Constructor Demolisher Wyrm Drake Crush
3 copies
Constructor Soldier Drillzard
3 copies
Constructor Warrior Shovelon
Pot of Greed
2 copies
Secret Order
3 copies
Primal Howling
Peaks of Blisstopia
Talismanic Seal Array
Negate Attack
Buffered Slime
3 copies
Infinite Constructor Wyrm Buildream
3 copies
Constructor Chief Wyrm Handtoolon

3rd/4th Place –

3 copies
Hazy Strike Dragon Miragiastar F
3 copies
Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F

3rd/4th Place –

30 cards
2 copies
Hazy Strike Dragon Miragiastar F
2 copies
Hyperstrike Dragon Dragiastar F

Top Tier Decks