Tournament Information

  • The Goha Rush Festival is divided into two Stages.
  • Stage 1 is available from November 30th until December 11th.
  • Stage 2 becomes available for Duelist who reached Rush Power MAX which begins December 8th and ends on December 11th.

Stage 1


  • The GR Festival is held in the PvP Arena.
  • Win PvP Duels to increase your Rush Power (amount varies)
  • Event Duelists spawn in Duel World (SEVENS) with a special Skill that adds Ace Monsters to your hand at the start of the Duel. Winning Event Duels will award Rush Power, but not as much as PvP.
  • Reach Rush Power MAX at Rush Power 100 allowing you to proceed to the second stage!

Stage 1 Rewards

  • 50 Gems Daily for Dueling
Rush Power Rewards
  • 1050 Gems
  • 9 Legendary Duelist Rainbow Pack (SEVENS)
  • 40 Skill Chips

Stage 2 Rewards

  • Icons
  • Titles

Stage 2

  • Stage 2 of the GR Festival follows an ELO system, with Rush Points gained/lost for each win or loss.
  • Duels are global and not region only.
  • Based on a player's global ranking at the end of the event, they will receive a certain amount of rewards.

Rush Power MAX Decks

Dragonic Slayer
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
2 copies
Phoenix Dragon
3 copies
Piercing Dragon Bunker Strike
2 copies
Gravity Press Dragon
2 copies
Triad Drago
3 copies
Sportsdragon Slugger
3 copies
Twin Edge Dragon
3 copies
Sportsdragon Pitcher
2 copies
Fire Guardian
3 copies
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
3 copies
3 copies
Dragonic Pressure
2 copies
Hammer Crush
Red Medicine
Music Princess's Recital
2 copies
Phantom Bind
3 copies
The Barrier

2 copies
Dian Keto the Boogie Master
3 copies
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
2 copies
Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar
2 copies
Rice Terrace Secure
3 copies
Seahorse Carrier
3 copies
3 copies
Thunder the Thunder
Summoned Skull
3 copies
Kanan the Sword Diva
3 copies
LaMoon the Party Princess
Bubbly Elf
Widespread Ruin
Phantom Bind
2 copies
The Barrier

2 copies
Yamiruler the Dark Delayer
Ancient Arise Dragon
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
2 copies
Sevens Road Magician
3 copies
Seahorse Carrier
Kimeruler the Dark Raider
2 copies
Thunder the Thunder
Mystic Dealer
Summoned Skull
Harpie Lady
3 copies
Kanan the Sword Diva
Grace Princess Kana
Nessus the Star Knight
2 copies
Dark Sorcerer
2 copies
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
2 copies
Masaki the Legendary Samurai
Silent Assailant
2 copies
LaMoon the Party Princess
Ghost Cyclone
Monster Reincarnation
Hammer Crush
Widespread Ruin
Phantom Bind
3 copies
The Barrier

2 copies
Dian Keto the Boogie Master
Yamiruler the Dark Delayer
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar
Sevens Road Magician
3 copies
Seahorse Carrier
Torna the Windweaver
3 copies
Thunder the Thunder
Summoned Skull
3 copies
Kanan the Sword Diva
2 copies
Dark Sorcerer
3 copies
2 copies
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
2 copies
Masaki the Legendary Samurai
2 copies
Silent Assailant
LaMoon the Party Princess
Phantom Bind

Lightning Voltcondor
Darkness Crested Hawk
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
Torna the Windweaver
Gravity Press Dragon
Luminous Parrot
3 copies
Fire Golem
Mystic Dealer
Dark Magician
2 copies
Fire Guardian
3 copies
Celtic Guardian
2 copies
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
3 copies
Dark Sorcerer
Masaki the Legendary Samurai
2 copies
Silent Assailant
3 copies
Water Magician
2 copies
Darkness Approaches

2 copies
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar
3 copies
Sevens Road Magician
2 copies
2 copies
Sevens Road Witch
2 copies
Thunder the Thunder
3 copies
Mystic Dealer
Summoned Skull
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
3 copies
Dark Sorcerer
3 copies
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
2 copies
Hammer Crush
Widespread Ruin
3 copies
Phantom Bind

30 cards
2 copies
Lightning Voltcondor
2 copies
Darkness Crested Hawk
Sevens Road Magician
2 copies
Torna the Windweaver
2 copies
Luminous Parrot
3 copies
Fire Golem
3 copies
Mystic Dealer
2 copies
Trick Pigeon
Dark Magician
Ansler the Magical Swordsman
Harpie Lady
3 copies
Dark Sorcerer
3 copies
Straynge Cat
2 copies
Recovery Force
Phantom Bind

Dragonic Slayer
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
2 copies
Phoenix Dragon
2 copies
Piercing Dragon Bunker Strike
2 copies
Gravity Press Dragon
2 copies
Triad Drago
3 copies
Sportsdragon Slugger
3 copies
Twin Edge Dragon
3 copies
Sportsdragon Pitcher
3 copies
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
3 copies
2 copies
Dragonic Pressure
Hammer Crush
Phantom Bind

2 copies
Dian Keto the Boogie Master
3 copies
Rice Terrace Secure
3 copies
Seahorse Carrier
3 copies
Gravity Press Dragon
2 copies
Thunder the Thunder
2 copies
Seahorse Server
Summoned Skull
3 copies
Kanan the Sword Diva
2 copies
Grace Princess Kana
3 copies
Water Magician
2 copies
LaMoon the Party Princess
Triple Threat Thunder
2 copies
Hammer Crush
Widespread Ruin

3 copies
Dian Keto the Boogie Master
3 copies
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
2 copies
Rice Terrace Secure
3 copies
Seahorse Carrier
2 copies
2 copies
Thunder the Thunder
Summoned Skull
3 copies
Kanan the Sword Diva
3 copies
Grace Princess Kana
2 copies
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
LaMoon the Party Princess
Triple Threat Thunder
Widespread Ruin
Phantom Bind
2 copies
The Barrier

Yamiruler the Dark Delayer
Rice Terrace Secure
3 copies
Seahorse Carrier
2 copies
Kimeruler the Dark Raider
2 copies
Thunder the Thunder
3 copies
Max Raider
3 copies
Yurushima the Hermit
2 copies
Blue Falcon Tengu
3 copies
Grace Princess Kana
2 copies
Royal Rebel's Fanatic
2 copies
LaMoon the Party Princess
2 copies
Hammer Crush
King's Majesty
2 copies
Phantom Bind

3 copies
Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar
3 copies
Seahorse Carrier
2 copies
Romic n' Roller
3 copies
Amusi Performer
3 copies
Dream Drummer
2 copies
Kanan the Sword Diva
Grace Princess Kana
3 copies
Silent Assailant
Ghost Cyclone
Monster Reincarnation
Widespread Ruin
2 copies
Music Princess's Recital
3 copies
Severing Psychic Wall

Dragonic Slayer
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
2 copies
Phoenix Dragon
3 copies
Piercing Dragon Bunker Strike
2 copies
Gravity Press Dragon
2 copies
Triad Drago
3 copies
Sportsdragon Slugger
2 copies
Twin Edge Dragon
3 copies
Sportsdragon Pitcher
2 copies
Fire Guardian
3 copies
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
3 copies
2 copies
Dragonic Pressure
Phantom Bind

3 copies
Sevens Road Magician
2 copies
Accel Wonder Splat
3 copies
Torna the Windweaver
3 copies
Sevens Road Witch
3 copies
Thunder the Thunder
3 copies
Mystic Dealer
3 copies
Dark Sorcerer
3 copies
3 copies
Magical Beast Wolfang
Monster Reincarnation
2 copies
Recovery Force
Widespread Ruin

3 copies
Royal Rebel's Heavy Metal
2 copies
Royal Rebel's Growl
2 copies
Seahorse Carrier
2 copies
Gravity Press Dragon
Royal Rebel's Rocker
3 copies
Black Dragon's Chick
3 copies
Silver Wolf
2 copies
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
2 copies
Kanan the Sword Diva
3 copies
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
3 copies
Ghost Cyclone
Monster Reincarnation
Widespread Ruin
The Barrier

30 cards
3 copies
Ancient Arise Dragon
2 copies
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
3 copies
Seahorse Carrier
Phoenix Dragon
3 copies
2 copies
Burning Blaze Dragon
2 copies
Clear Ice Dragon
3 copies
Grace Princess Kana
3 copies
3 copies
LaMoon the Party Princess
2 copies
Ghost Cyclone
Widespread Ruin
2 copies
Music Princess's Recital

Yamiruler the Dark Delayer
Bendorbreak the Conqueror
Darkness Crested Hawk
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
Sevens Road Magician
Torna the Windweaver
3 copies
Royal Rebel's Shout
3 copies
Thunder the Thunder
3 copies
Mystic Dealer
Summoned Skull
3 copies
Harpie Lady
3 copies
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
3 copies
Magical Ghost
2 copies
Ghost Cyclone
Monster Reincarnation
2 copies
Hammer Crush
Widespread Ruin
3 copies
Music Princess's Recital
3 copies
Phantom Bind
3 copies
The Barrier

3 copies
Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar
3 copies
Seahorse Carrier
Speedy Performer
Romic n' Roller
2 copies
Telepathic Agent
3 copies
Amusi Performer
3 copies
Dream Drummer
3 copies
Kanan the Sword Diva
3 copies
Silent Assailant
2 copies
Ghost Cyclone
Monster Reincarnation
Widespread Ruin
Music Princess's Recital
2 copies
Phantom Bind

3 copies
Royal Rebel's Heavy Metal
Dian Keto the Boogie Master
3 copies
Royal Rebel's Growl
3 copies
Seahorse Carrier
3 copies
Palace Gargoyle
2 copies
Black Dragon's Chick
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
3 copies
Kanan the Sword Diva
2 copies
LaMoon the Party Princess
3 copies
Babysitter Goat
3 copies
Descendant of Titans
Monster Reincarnation
Widespread Ruin
King's Majesty

2 copies
Dragonic Slayer
2 copies
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
Phoenix Dragon
2 copies
Piercing Dragon Bunker Strike
3 copies
Gravity Press Dragon
2 copies
Triad Drago
3 copies
Sportsdragon Slugger
3 copies
Twin Edge Dragon
3 copies
Sportsdragon Pitcher
3 copies
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
3 copies
Lesser Dragon
Dragonic Pressure
Phantom Bind

2 copies
Dragonic Slayer
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
2 copies
Phoenix Dragon
2 copies
Piercing Dragon Bunker Strike
2 copies
Gravity Press Dragon
2 copies
Triad Drago
3 copies
Sportsdragon Slugger
3 copies
Twin Edge Dragon
3 copies
Sportsdragon Pitcher
3 copies
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
3 copies
Lesser Dragon
Monster Reincarnation
Widespread Ruin
The Barrier