Tournament Information


  • 38 Players
  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck
  • Best of 3

Full Standings

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $10 USD

1st Place – guari

3 copies
Battletested Gaia The Fierce Knight
3 copies
Rising Light Angel Essel
Palace Gargoyle
Ultimate Flag Beast Boltricorn
Imaginary Reactor
2 copies
Curse of Dragon
3 copies
3 copies
Sword Dancer
3 copies
Imaginary Actor
2 copies
Dragon's Inferno
Star Restart
2 copies
Talismanic Seal Array
3 copies
Negate Attack
2 copies
Metarion Ashurastar
Gaia, Conqueror of Champions
Swift Gaia the Dragon Champion
2 copies
Metarion Vritrastar

2nd Place –

3 copies
Battletested Gaia The Fierce Knight
3 copies
Rising Light Angel Essel
3 copies
Curse of Dragon
2 copies
Elemental HERO Avian
2 copies
Elemental HERO Burstinatrix
3 copies
Sword Dancer
3 copies
Imaginary Actor
3 copies
Monster Calling
2 copies
Star Restart
3 copies
Negate Attack
Buffered Slime
2 copies
Metarion Ashurastar
Gaia, Conqueror of Champions
Swift Gaia the Dragon Champion
2 copies
Elemental HERO Burst Wingman

3rd/4th Place –

2 copies
Battletested Gaia The Fierce Knight
3 copies
Palace Gargoyle
2 copies
Imaginary Reactor
2 copies
Curse of Dragon
3 copies
3 copies
Sword Dancer
3 copies
Imaginary Actor
Babysitter Goat
2 copies
Dragon's Inferno
2 copies
Star Restart
Talismanic Seal Array
3 copies
Negate Attack
King's Majesty
2 copies
Metarion Ashurastar
Gaia, Conqueror of Champions
Swift Gaia the Dragon Champion
2 copies
Metarion Vritrastar

3rd/4th Place –

3 copies
Battletested Gaia The Fierce Knight
3 copies
Rising Light Angel Essel
3 copies
Palace Gargoyle
2 copies
Siesta Torero
3 copies
Curse of Dragon
3 copies
Sword Dancer
3 copies
Imaginary Actor
Babysitter Goat
Star Restart
Talismanic Seal Array
2 copies
Negate Attack
Buffered Slime
King's Majesty
2 copies
Metarion Ashurastar
Gaia, Conqueror of Champions
2 copies
Swift Gaia the Dragon Champion
Metarion Vritrastar

Top Tier Decks