Tournament Information


  • 56 Players
  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Card Deck, No Side Deck
  • Best of 3

Full Standings on StartGG

Top Decklists - Prize Support: $10 USD

1st Place –

Nibiru, the Primal Being
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Sauge de Fleur
Sauge de Fleur
Sauge de Fleur
Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous
Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous
Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous
Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill
Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Droll & Lock Bird
Droll & Lock Bird
Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted
Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted
Retaliating "C"
Retaliating "C"
Necro Synchron
Necro Synchron
Sorciere de Fleur
Sorciere de Fleur
Sorciere de Fleur
Sunseed Twin
Sunseed Genius Loci
Sunvine Sowing
Dogmatika Punishment
Titaniklad the Ash Dragon
Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Stellar Wind Wolfrayet
Mist Wurm
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Sunavalon Dryas
Benghalancer the Resurgent
Sunavalon Melias
Knightmare Phoenix

2nd Place –

Raging Storm Dragon - Beaufort IX
Immortal Phoenix Gearfried
Immortal Phoenix Gearfried
Sauge de Fleur
Sauge de Fleur
Sauge de Fleur
Infernoble Knight - Renaud
Infernoble Knight - Renaud
Infernoble Knight - Renaud
Glow-Up Bulb
Necro Synchron
Necro Synchron
Infernoble Knight - Roland
Sorciere de Fleur
Sorciere de Fleur
Sorciere de Fleur
Infernoble Knight Ogier
Infernoble Knight Ogier
Infernoble Knight Ogier
Battlin' Boxer Veil
Infernoble Knight Astolfo
Heritage of the Chalice
Heritage of the Chalice
Heritage of the Chalice
Gravity Axe - Grarl
"Infernoble Arms - Durendal"
"Infernoble Arms - Durendal"
"Infernoble Arms - Durendal"
Noble Arms - Excaliburn
Metalsilver Armor
Herald of the Arc Light
Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles
Old Entity Hastorr
Chevalier de Fleur
Infernoble Knight Captain Roland
Mist Bird Clausolas
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
Ferocious Flame Swordsman
Knightmare Phoenix

3rd/4th Place –

Raging Storm Dragon - Beaufort IX
Star Seraph Scepter
Star Seraph Scepter
Star Seraph Scepter
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Star Seraph Sovereignty
Star Seraph Sovereignty
Star Seraph Scale
Star Seraph Scale
Star Seraph Scale
Star Seraph Sage
Star Seraph Sage
Forbidden Droplet
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Treacherous Trap Hole
Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray
ZW - Leo Arms
Number 102: Star Seraph Sentry
Abyss Dweller
Fairy Cheer Girl
Stellarknight Delteros
Drill Driver Vespenato
Photon Papilloperative
Number 69: Heraldry Crest

3rd/4th Place –

Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms
Uria, Lord of Searing Flames
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Dark Beckoning Beast
Dark Beckoning Beast
Dark Beckoning Beast
Chaos Summoning Beast
Forbidden Droplet
Forbidden Droplet
Opening of the Spirit Gates
Opening of the Spirit Gates
Fallen Paradise
Fallen Paradise
Powersink Stone
Powersink Stone
Tyrant's Tirade
Tyrant's Tirade