Avance, Swordsman of the Nekroz

Avance, Swordsman of the Nekroz
Level 4
[ Spellcaster / Effect ] You can only use the 3rd effect of this card’s name once per Duel. (1) When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 “Nekroz” monster from your Deck, except “Avance, Swordsman of the Nekroz”. (2) If you Ritual Summon exactly 1 “Nekroz” Ritual Monster with a card effect that requires use of monsters, this card you control can be used as the entire requirement. (3) If this card is Tributed by card effect: You can add any number of your banished “Nekroz” cards with different names to your hand. ATK/ 1500 DEF/ 800