Carly Carmine
![Carly Carmine](
General Information
Worlds: 5D's
- Carly requires Green keys to duel at the gate.
- Carly appears at the gate at Stage 6 (5Ds)
Unlock Missions:
- Reach Stage 6 in (5D's) Duel World. To trigger her unlock missions
- Achieve 1 No Damage win(s) in Duels against Carly Carmine at level 30 using Jack Atlas .
- Achieve 3 win(s) using only Spellcaster-Type Monster Cards in Duel World (5D's) Duels.
- Achieve 3 win(s) without using any level 5 or higher Monster Cards in Duel World (5D's) Duels.
- Successfully perform 3 Special Summon(s) in one Duel World (5D's) Duels.
- Win 3 consecutive Duels against Carly Carmine at Level 30 in Duel World.
Drop Rewards
Level-up Rewards