Lumis and Umbra
![Lumis and Umbra](
General Information
Worlds: DM
- Lumis and Umbra require Black keys to duel at the gate.
- Lumis and Umbra appear at the gate at stage 13 (DM)
Unlock Missions:
- Reach Stage 13 (DM) Duel World. To trigger their unlock missions
- Win 2 Duel(s) against Lumis and Umbra at Level 30 in Duel World.
- Achieve 3 win(s) using only LIGHT Monster Cards in Duel World (DM)
- Achieve 3 win(s) using only DARK Monster Cards in Duel World (DM)
- Use Spell Cards 8 times in Duels against Lumis and Umbra.
- Use Trap Card 8 time(s) in one Duel against Lumis and Umbra.
Drop Rewards
Level-up Rewards