Ghost Gal Farming
from on October 29th, 2023Notes & Combos
- Summon Shaman of the Tenyi & Beserker of the Tenyi, using the effect to destroy Ghost Gal Trap Card.
- Summon Draco after that, can effectively avoid Ghost Gal keep resumming Altergeist Meluseek
- Drawning Mirror Force to negate Altergeist Meluseek attack and effect.
- Summon Baxia and use it effect if Ghost Gal deck out quicker than you.
- Use Shaman of the Tenyi effect to bring back any Draco or Beserker that going to graveyard.
- Drawing using Field Card effect and Vessel Magic Card
This build doesn't even require any specific skills. Thanks to Tenyi card, you can very easily summon the require monster that needed.