I have no idea wether this box has any big impact on the meta, but it for sure looks fun as ****. Infernoids look really cool and seem to me like a pretty strong deck, i also really wanna play mekk knights and then draco slayer looks super cool too though at least to me i feel like dracoslayer are missing a really good boss monster.
I should add that i am not the most experienced player, feel free to correct me.

I agree with you. Both Infernoid and Mell-Knights look really fun and can be built F2P quite well.

Agreed, been stockpiling gems since they released the Trickstar Set and it flopped. KEKnights, Infernoid, True King, Majester Paladin, Dracoslayers, Train support, Ancient Gear, Battlewasp. This set will absolutely have an impact on the meta; *at least one card from this set will be inside at least a Tier3+ deck. * But which card/cards?!?!? let me know if you got any ideas.

Infernoid feels like a direct **** you to salad specifically, every monster is D.D. crow. And I am a bi concerned that Mekk-Knight will be a lockdown deck with the world legacy cards like secret and whispers, especially when Indigo eclipse makes them harder to play around. (Key is good too, better here than in the TCG at least). With only 3 columns, a full lockdown would be stupid easy.

I think Mekk-knight will play better in 3 Columns, the only thing missing is World Legacy Secret, but still, negating spells and traps multiple times per turn in DL feels really strong

How do you even summon the level 12 battlewasp synchro? You need like a level 10 with the level 2 tuner or user the synchro tuner as a level 5 and a level 7? Can't think of any decent insects to get there.

I don't know if this box is meta change or not but it's not F2p Train required to open 3 box with this one actually get everything Mekk knight required link 1 to be playable turn 1 which we don't have Infernoid lose heavily to any interaction and brickland if you don't open with mill cards or starter you are bricking Dracoslayer required open 2 box and it's not even good we don't even have their broken master peace and cards that summon him (I am not talking about new releases) this great additions but not enough Metalfoes don't change much sure we now get new skill and support you can now add more consistency and play cards that search gear but it's the same as not playing anything new it pretty much played the same