Dragonic Contact

Generic Character
You can use this Skill's second effect once per turn if your Deck contains "Rainbow Dragon". 1: You cannot Special Summon monsters, except "Neos", "Yubel", "Elemental HERO", and "Neo-Spacian" monsters. 2: Send 1 Warrior monster or Level 10 monster from your hand or face-up field to the Graveyard, then play 1 of the following monsters from your Deck or Graveyard in face-down Defense Position (its battle position can be changed), and add 1 "Super Polymerization" from your Deck and 1 "Polymerization" from outside of your Deck to your hand. - "Elemental HERO Neos" - "Ultimate Crystal" monster - WIND "Armed Dragon" monster (treated as having been Special Summoned by the effect of an "Armed Dragon" monster)

Usage Statistics

HEROs Tier 1

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