Tachyon Dragon Domination

You can only use this Skill's second effect once per Duel, and the third effect once per turn.
1: You cannot Normal or Special Summon any monsters with a Level except Level 4 and 8 LIGHT Dragon Type monsters with 2000 or less ATK and Level 8 DARK Dragon Type monsters with 2500 or 2000 ATK.
2: During your Main Phase, play 1 Level 8 Dragon monster that can be Normal Summoned from your hand to your field, but negate its effects, and then add 1 Level 4 or 8 LIGHT Dragon Type monster from your Deck to your hand.
3: If you have "Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon" on your field, Set 1 "Tachyon Transmigration" from your Deck or 1 "Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force" from outside your Deck to your field. (This card can be activated the same turn.)