Darklords Deck Breakdown


Darklords are a versatile deck of high-level monsters, many of which share the effect to copy the effects of Darklord spell/trap cards in the grave as quick-effects. Most of the Darklord monsters are summoned with Loading... , which can then be copied by the monster summoned to summon another. The most disruptive effect in the deck comes from Loading... , fueling Darklords' LP while providing multiple monster effect negations. Loading... is a completely generic in-archetype searcher that can be copied, providing incredible consistency in accessing any cards needed to get started (like Loading... ), for protection (like Loading... ), or for spot monster removal (like Loading... ). Because Darklords lack inherent ways to deal with backrow, they can struggle with strong battle traps and any floodgates that keep them from using their effects.

Deck Statistics

Meta Pro
Tournaments only
Average size: 25 cards

Top Extra Deck

Popular Skills

automated based on the last few weeks of KoG + tournament decks

Sample Deck

Jan 2025 KoG January 21st, 2025
Gems 28.5k
25 cards

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