
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 17th, 2024
Gems 56k + $23
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Fought Tachyon, Galaxy-Eyes, Tenyi, Resonator, and Crusadia for my 5 streak into DLvMAX

Some thoughts:

  1. This meta stinks, going second against Tachyon as this deck feels like gg from the coinflip
  2. Ayers is so good at playing around Book of Moon without blowing your Normal Summon, especially in a meta where it's ran like a wildfire.
  3. I ran about 25-30 Cards during my climb and kept swapping stuff. Reason for high amount is to keep a good ratio of tech to starters/extenders. You want to see your Limit 3 Traps sometimes but not all the time.
  4. Don't make the same noob mistake I did D.D Crowing an Effect Veiler :Sob:
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