Notes & Combos
The deck is quite strong against decks which use targeted disruptions, but has issues with nontargeted ones, especially non-destruction removals. SO, Tachyon Transmigration, which comes often in this meta, hits you hard because it removes your field and does not allow deck summons by your big spaceships.
Your general win plan is: disrupt the opponent's field as much as possible, then beat the **** out with Kozmos summoning higher level Kozmos from your hand or deck. If you manage to score damage with Farmgirl, you can either search for Dark Destroyer and hit with higher damage and load up a monster removal, or search for sliprider and remove potentially dangerous set cards.
Your only win plan against Tachyon is making them only able to summon one boss monster, not two or more. If enough destruptions are made, through Dark Lady, Kozmojo and Dark Destroyer, hopefully the opponent would only be able to put 1 XYZ, and would not be able to both remove your Destroyer and keep his Tachyon Dragon. If he overlays FA dragon and such and attacks to destroy your Destroyer, he would have to set his Transmigration, because Tachyon Dragon is not on the field anymore. Summon sliprider and try to remove the Transmigration, and if you succeed, hopefully you can play through the next turn to hit for lethal.
Tincan: Your generic starter card. This card can summon any Kozmo from your hand, except itself, and in the end phase, can put a Kozmo to your hand from the deck. General priority of cards to draw is: Destroyer, Dark lady, and Wickedwitch, but it's randomness makes some issues.
Farmgirl: Your basic combo card. If this card manages to score damage, it can search for any Kozmo card. Generally, if a 1500-atk monster manages to damage the opponent, it means that the opponent's monster zone is empty, so searching for a higher level spaceship and summoning it through effect 1 means lethal.
Wickedwitch: Your defense plan. This card can gain immunity to destruction for 1000LP.
Dark Lady: Your basic destruption plan. Try to play this when your opponent summons a crucial monster, and before he activates the effect.
Spaceships: Destroyer destroys monsters,and is a big 3000 beatstick. Sliprider destroys M/T. Forerunner is somewhat a connecting bridge, generally used for it's effect when destroyed. Destroyer and Forerunner cannot be targeted, use this to your advantage.
Kozmojo: Can destroy spaceships, to summon spaceship from decks while disrupting opponent's play.
Replays VS tachyon VS Witchcrafter VS Buster Blader