
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 15th, 2024

Notes & Combos

As I promise! Zombie World Mayakashi for you! I have to improve the deck a bit more. I accept suggestions.

Obviously, I dropped the mayakashi skill since Balerdroch cannot be special summon with that skill.

I max out the Jack-o-bolan to send bricks from the hand to the graveyard. Also, he can revive a Mayakashi on the opponent's turn.

Skill: The Legend of the heroes because why not.

Yes, you have to climb the whole mayakashi extra deck. Only for true Mayakashi lovers.

I love Mayakashi since it's release in May 2020.

I'm gonna try to reach KOG with this improved.

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Replays: 1 lose replay to show how I bricked hard.

  1. Win:
  2. Win:
  3. Win:
  4. Lose:
  5. Rank up (Time limit win):