Notes & Combos
The best Shiranui combo is with Solitaire
1st: discard Solitaire with Skill and add Squire or Samsara if you already have squire
2nd: spectralsword eff to banish it and solitaire to synchro for doomkaiser and use solitaire banish eff to summon back spectralsword
3rd: Synchro with spectralsword and doomkaiser for Shogunsaga and banish spectralsword
4th: normal summon squire use her eff to summon shade and use shade eff to bring back solitaire and spectralsword
5th: use either squire or solitaire and shogunsaga to link summon vampire sucker and activate skill to send back your syncrhos to banish sunsaga and squiresaga
6th: make samuraisaga with spectralsword and link summon skillsaga with samuraisaga and vampire sucker.
There is a lot more you can do with this deck but this should be a good starting combo to learn the deck.