
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 14th, 2025
Gems 41k + $38
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Hello everyone, welcome back to another one of my Altergeist decklists for the February 2025 KC Cup. I believe I'm the first oen to submit a KC Cup Max Altergeist decklist so without further ado, I'll get into what I think of the meta and where Altergeist stands right now.

Put simply, Altergeist is currently not good in the current metagame. You instantly lose to Salamangreat and your matchup against Dragonic Contact HERO is dicey at best since they can Stratos + Super Polymerization to nuke your backrow. Not just that, but Armed Dragon Thunder Level 10 is already one pop on your backrow, making the HERO matchup even more annoying than it already is. You can beat Dragonic Contact, but you just have to try and force out their Super Polymerization early.

For my decklist, I bumped it up to 22 cards rather than the standard 20 cards because the meta is just too aggressive right now. Therefore, I want to see more backrow in my hand for better hand quality than I want to see my Altergeist names, namely my Multifaker. Even at 22 cards, the deck was still fairly consistent to me at getting Multifaker in rotation.

For new additions, I added Empress's Staff to have a way of getting Multifaker in rotation without Armed Dragon Thunder + Mystical Space Typhoon combo popping my backrow. As for Magic Deflector, it's a card I'm testing, but it seems good at stopping quick play Spells, namely Super Polymerization, Forbidden Chalice, Forbidden Droplet, and more. If used correctly, Magic Deflector can sometimes be a pseudo Altergeist Protocol if you can stop a Forbidden Droplet with it.

As for my Extra Deck, everything is standard except for Underworld Goddess of the Closed World. She's a new tech I'm trying, and she came up sometimes but as a Link 5, she's kind of hard to summon. I'd probably replace her with either a third copy of Hexstia, Altergeist Kidolga, or Knightmare Phoenix. Any of those work. Ningirsu and Wynn are there because Lyrilusc is suddenly being played again and I need a way to out untargetable Assembled Nightingale so I don't auto-lose to it.

I'll probably compile my KC Cup run into a YouTube video, but geez, this run was hard. I went on a 6 game winstreak from DL 19 to Max undefeated. Hopefully we see a good banlist post February 2025 KC Cup. I faced so many Jaden Yuki variants that I'm tired of seeing Dragonic Contact. Good luck if you're climbing stage two KC Cup. I'll be here waiting for more Altergeist support to showcase to the commmunity.

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For replays, I'll include my rankup game against the HERO player as proof that I went on a 6 game winstreak undefeated to Max. Hopefully Altergeist gets more support so I can update my Altergeist Guide.

If you want a true back and forth game and how to play Altergeist well, watch my match vs the Predaplant player. (HERO) (Predaplant)