Ancient Warriors

KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 15th, 2025

Notes & Combos

The deck really shines in its versatility, being able to flex certain Ancient Warriors depending on the meta. I think the Tenki skill is by far the best option for AW, because it lets your "MSTs" (Gyokkou) whether going 1st or 2nd, play 9 copies of "ROTA"

Most of your games will be won without going into the Extra Deck, but here it is. -Daruma Doll is archetypal. It's much better than Knightmare Phoenix, as it allows you to "double dip" on your S/T removal, rather than discard. You can pindown one backrow with Gyokkou, threaten to negate another with Zhuge Kong, and then use those same contiuous spells as fodder for Daruma Doll, putting your opponent in a no-win situation. All while continuing to link climb into Shurag for more removal. And don't forget his secret effect that recycles a card!

-Castel the Skyblaster Musketeer is again archetypal. Much better than Knightmare Unicorn, because the deck easily gets 2 level 4s on field, and would rather use xyz material that has already used its value, rather than discard an unused card. Then you can rank up into either Utopic Ray Lancer (or Vespinado for extra damage and floating) or continue your link climb into Daruma Doll, Double Dragon Lords, or Shurag.

-Tiger King is self-explanatory. And Shurag or Utopic Lancer are your main out to those **** Birds. Abomination Link -4 can be Borreload Dragon Link -4 if you need more non-targeting removal, or another DDL.

The deck can tax the **** out of Salads or Heroes, unless they droplet their entire hand away.

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