
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 11th, 2025
Gems 34.5k + $4
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Main changes are dropping Droplet for Veiller and adding Iblee and Melody back in. While the Hero matchup is an uphill battle I found the Salamangreat matchup more intense since they can not only play through most disruption but can recover really fast.

For the HERO matchup you want to priotize setting up the Iblee Lock with Firewall, Honeybot and Cynet Refresh ready to keep you safe till your next turn. If you can't get the lock set up you should still go for Firewall with Honeybot, Refresh and Crosswipe.

I have only faced the Salamangreat matchup twice and in one of them I managed to setup the full Cyberse Lock with Darkfluid which helped. Don't bother negating Fire instead priortize Mirage, Balelynx, and Pyro Phoenix (If you don't have refresh in the grave).

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