Notes & Combos
This was quite literally the worst experience I have ever had playing a video game. This climb is not something I would wish on my worst enemy. Not only is Darklord a completely terrible deck but Heros in its current state is completely unbeatable with it if the hero player is anything but a drooling toddler (which is a lot to ask for I know and I won a few games against Heros that way). The only way to beat Heros with darklord without them throwing the game completely is with the literal perfect hand and them not having neos fusion which will never happen because they always have neos fusion.
Hero was designed with the express purpose of being able to play against your dog and them having a fighting chance. If I took a shot every time a Hero player made a game-losing misplay and won anyway I would be dead 10x over. I lost a game in which a Hero player attempted to use armed dragon lvl10 3 times while it was negated, I lost a game in which a Hero player outed their own rainbow neos to shuffle 1 ixchel with 0 targets in grave. I hear Jaden’s voice in my nightmares, I have the same dream every night, I’m running through a corridor, the walls are covered in Jaden’s face, laughing at me, I hear him say his skill voicelines, endlessly, until I reach the end, 2 doors face me, one with neos fusion and one with super poly, both lead to the same place, heck. A demon with Jaden’s face reaches out to me and pulls me in, I see neos kluger crash into my first darklord, killing me despite my winning position.
I wake up in a cold sweat and look down at my phone to see duel links already open. God is dead, and Jaden Yuki killed him.