
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 15th, 2025
Gems 34k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Most of the current RR decks do not use infinity, instead opting to run a mostly pure RR extra deck utilizing fuzzy lanius. With that deck you'll consistently land an endboard of Air Raid, Force Strix, PK RUM Force, and RR PK Claw, giving you:

  • 1 monster pop + disruption dodge (PK RUM)
  • 1 monster negate
  • float into Revolution Falcon
  • 1 extra pop via Raider's Unbreakable Mind (sometimes)

While this does give you more flexibility to react to your opponents' plays, sometimes you just want to have a huge honking monster that just says NO to everything your opponent tries to do, which is why I opted for version of RR. You'll consistently land on an end board of Infinity + Rebellion Dragon (which you'll immediately RUM to Dark Requiem during your opponent's turn), giving you:

  • 1 omni-negate to b*tch slap your opponent with
  • 3 monster negates
  • 1 extra pop via Raider's Unbreakable Mind (sometimes)
  • 2 extra disruption via Evilswarm Nightmare (sometimes)

This version gives you a lot more oomph to crush your opponents when going first, while going second you really just pray to open dark hole. Definitely not as competitively viable, but 10x more fun teehee!

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