Notes & Combos
Highlander (Except for the extra deck).
Makes every game a surprise! Salad's skill is a 0.5 card full combo so it doesn't really matter what you run as long as you don't open fowl or sanctuary.
60% of my losses were to time, I can perform the entire turn one combo with 100 seconds left on the timer, but those 100 seconds run down pretty quickly on opponents turns, and you don't really have enough time left to finish them turn 3.
I only have 1 spinny, I think the optimal version should have 3 spinny because if you open it you can afford to send Transcendence with gazelle and getting it back with wolf for a board wipe on your opponent's turn.
For the extra deck: I never got to summon hiita to steal phoenix in the mirror match, didn't manage to ningirsu / underworld goddess against birds.
Against lyrilusc going 2nd: If you don't open droplet or book of eclipse you can't out-resource a 4 material robin, and if you don't open divine wrath / providence you can't out nightingale in the following turn.