Notes & Combos
Actually got Tenyi to KC Cup Max Level.
Deck breakdown:
- Mapura and Shthana are general protection for your monk and your berserker.
- During the climb I had some troubles against lunalights and especially their leo dancer. For this specific matchup, I have added nahata.
- Ashuna, Vishuda and Adhara are your most important monster assets for your own plays
- The field spell could be helpful against most decks due to the huge amount of special summons in the current meta: The +2 can be a life saver if you draw the right cards
- Droll & Lock Bird is my main counter against heros
- Effect veiler & book of eclipse are just general tech cards for multiple matchups
- MST is for the whole super poly shenanigans
- Draco master is a super underrated card and came in clutch in multiple duels