Time Thief

KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 8th, 2025
Gems 50k
25 cards

Notes & Combos

Fast and mostly uneventful climb (39 wins total starting at DLv 7). Not much changed about Time Thief in the past few months so I'll get straight to the point:

Sauravis is the new hot anti-veiler tech. I can't really judge how much he's worth running since he and veiler rarely showed up together (and I only have one copy of him so I couldnt run more if I wanted to), and his utility in other matchups is largely laughable. But with veiler usage being as high as it is, I'll keep trying for a bit longer just to see.

106 is mostly there for the HERO matchup. Having an on-field negate that works on anything is really helpful at constricting their options and does much more than any other 3rd xyz could (yes, i'd rather have one field negate left over than stop their draw 4 discard 1 spin 1 shenanigans).

Cosmic > MST because salad field spell.

Thoughts on common cards I'm not running:

Veiler sucks in Time Thief. I know drawing into handtraps off Redoer feels amazing, but run something that works on your turn instead since weakening opposing endboards doesn't actually let you play past them with this deck, and the deck is already more than good enough at surviving grindgames without the extra oomph of mid-turn drawn veilers. Your going second winrate will be grateful for dropping that card.

Flyback is okay. I don't like it much at the moment and prefer more nonengine, but also really can't fault anyone for wanting to run 3 traps just so that getting the extra Redoer draw turn 1 can't ruin your spin on their turn.

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