
KC Cup DLv. Max from on November 16th, 2024
Gems 28k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Easiest DLv. MAX climb I've ever had. I could've sworn you needed a 5 winstreak just like ranked to reach MAX, but despite losing my first rank-up, another one popped up after only a single win. Heck, I only needed 35 wins in total to get through, even with a funny rank-down where I bricked 3 times the instant I hit DLv. 19.

Now, TWO Sistarts? Have I finally gone insane? Basically, last climb I kept coming across a situation where I would have no fuel left in GY for Tiara turn 3 after using Hoot, but would've been fine if I had a spare Sistart. It only really came up once or twice, but that's still more times than Unicorn tends to. I would still say to use both Knightmares in most standard Madolche lists, though, especially if you're using Ticket.

There was a serious lack of interesting duels (and duels in general) this time around, so I've just thrown up all 6 of the games I won in DLv. 19. I'd say the Chronomaly duel was the most interesting one.

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Vs. Zombie (they bricked, i should've played around alghoul tho)

Vs. Unchained

Vs. Burning Abyss (based)

Vs. Chronomaly (IT WAS TOO BIG)

Vs. Blue-Eyes (classic build, classic brick)

Vs. Sacred Beast (rank-up)