
KC Cup DLv. Max from on September 22nd, 2024

Notes & Combos

Fun deck. Struggles hard vs Star Seraph and scoops vs Lirilusc. Otherwise has a fighting chance most of the time.

You want to go second and OTK by ignoring all their monsters and hitting for 4k+. You can do this surprisingly often.

Ideally you want to open any two of Supay/Ascator/Linewalker. Search one you're missing with the skill by putting back the Earthbound, trap, or a duplicate Thunder Dragon. If you open everything, search TD for discard fodder.

This deck doesn't want to go first, but it can put up a half-decent board. I aim to end on a level 8 synchro, Linewalker and the Earthbound Immortal. Their LP is set to 3k and you have a pop with the trap + whatever interaction your synchro has + potential backrow. Don't give your boss monster +ATK until the next turn.

Extra deck: everything came up during my climb, though Zeta and Moonlight Dragon are situational and definitely not necessary. Red Wyvern is useful but also not necessary.

Naturia Barkion steals games because people greed their backrow when you summon Supay. Once Barkion hits the field it's too late and you have infinite material in the graveyard from your skill.


  • Forbidden Lance used on one of your synchros will stop it being affected by your own field spell, so it cannot be used as two tributes to summon the Earthbound Immortal.
  • Your Earthbound Immortal is useless if the field spell gets removed. If two synchros can't carry you to victory then this deck loses to an early MST going second.
  • Linewalker makes the opponent's LP gain skills useless.


Lyrilusc: Cry.

Star Seraph: Cry, though it isn't totally unwinnable.

Borrel Link: Cry going first, very winnable going second.

Time Thief: Only played a couple of times, seemed fine though.

Sacred Beast: Super winnable going second. Also won 3/3 games going first during the climb, but remember to summon everything in defense mode or you'll get swung over for 8k.

Unchained: Annoying, but extremely winnable. Draco Berserker is MVP to stop them getting started and/or preventing them from link summoning with your monsters.

Zombies: If you go second and they open half-decent then the matchup sucks. Going first Draco Berserker can stop them getting started.

Blue-Eyes: Seems pretty coinflip. Pretty sure I have close to 0% winrate going first. Playable going second, though Barkion doesn't help vs their searchable spells.

Rest: Generally fine, weighted heavily towards preferring going second.

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