
KC Cup DLv. Max from on September 17th, 2024
Gems 31k
21 cards

Notes & Combos

I know a lot of people like the other skill but sometimes this skill has come in useful with recital. I have found running 3 bird call has bricked my hands at times so I personally run 2. The wynn cards are deck filler and I plan to replace one with linkuriboh once I max level up playmaker. book of eclipse was run in case of 1. the mirror match and 2. for star seraph decks but it also helped against a windwitch deck. I know some people consider sanctuary a win more card but for me the +1 and attaching cards has helped in two ways ways 1. ensemblue getting more material basically stopped my opponent special summoning 2. allowed me to go for game on turn 2 when I didn't have a 3 mat assemedled and needed to close the game that turn. overall I find the birds a fun deck and I prefer this skill because it gives more lp for more recital starling attacking into opponents and giving an assembled nightingale or 5 material ensemblue more attack is always a plus for me, anyways enjoy the deck.

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